General Management

06/12/2021 at 7:00 pm


Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth Town Council


Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol (o bell)

General Management Committee (o bell)


  1. 12.2021






1 Presennol


Cyng Dylan Wilson-Lewis (Cadeirydd)

Cyng Alun Williams

Cyng Talat Chaudhri

Cyng Lucy Huws

Cyng Sue Jones-Davies

Cyng Mark Strong

Cyng Jeff Smith

Cyng Steve Davies


Yn mynychu

Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerc)




Cllr Dylan Wilson-Lewis (Chair)

Cllr Alun Williams

Cllr Talat Chaudhri

Cllr Lucy Huws

Cllr Sue Jones-Davies

Cllr Mark Strong

Cllr Jeff Smith

Cllr Steve Davies


In attendance

Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerk)


2 Ymddiheuriadau


Cyng Kerry Ferguson

Cyng. Charlie Kingsbury

Cyng Mari Turner




Cllr Kerry Ferguson

Cllr Charlie Kingsbury

Cllr Mari Turner


3 Datgan Diddordeb:




Declaration of Interest:



4 Cyfeiriadau personol:



Personal references:




5 Neuadd Gwenfrewi


  • Roedd y contractwr wedi creu pâm ac wedi trawsblannu’r rhosod


  • Casglwyd cyfraniadau a syniadau ar gyfer y cynllun busnes


  • roedd rheolwyr prosiect cadwraethol lleol wedi ymweld â’r safle ac wedi anfon papur a chostau.


Byddai’r Pwyllgor Cyllid nesaf yn ystyried y canlynol:

  1. dyfyniadau rheoli prosiect
  2. dyfynbrisiau ar gyfer yr arolwg cyflwr adeiladau costiedig
Neuadd Gwenfrewi


  • The contractor had created a bed and transplanted the roses


  • contributions and ideas had been collated for the business plan


  • local conservation project managers had visited the site and had produced a paper and costings.


The next Finance Committee would consider the following:

  1. project management quotes
  2. quotes for the costed buildings condition survey



Agenda Cyllid

Finance agenda

6 Cloddfa archaeolegol Pen Dinas


Byddai’r cloddfa yn ôl y flwyddyn nesaf ond roedd angen clirio llystyfiant.


Awgrymwyd Gwirfoddolwyr Cadwraeth Prifysgol Aber ar gyfer cefnogaeth bosibl

Pen Dinas archaeological dig


The dig would be back next year but vegetation needed to be cleared.


Aber University Conservation Volunteers were suggested for possible support


7 Gohebiaeth


7.1 Cynnig cyswllt gyda chwaer ddinas yn Tseina (Prifysgol Aberystwyth): Cynrychiolwyr swyddogol y Cyngor fyddai’r Maer gyda’r Cynghorydd Lucy Huws yn rhoi arweiniad a chefnogaeth


Sister City link proposal with China (Aberystwyth University): The Council’s official representatives would be the Mayor with Cllr Lucy Huws as advisor




7.2 Neuadd Goffa: roedd parcio yn broblem a chytunwyd cysylltu â’r pwyllgor i weld a oeddent eisiau cefnogaeth y Cyngor Neuadd Goffa: parking was a real issue and it was agreed to contact the committee to see if they wanted the Council’s support


