General Management

08/11/2021 at 6:30 pm


Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth Town Council


Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol (o bell)

General Management Committee (o bell)


  1. 11.2021






1 Presennol


Cyng Kerry Ferguson (Cadeirydd)

Cyng Alun Williams

Cyng Mari Turner

Cyng Talat Chaudhri

Cyng Lucy Huws

Cyng Sue Jones-Davies

Cyng Mark Strong

Cyng Jeff Smith

Cyng Dylan Wilson-Lewis

Cyng Steve Davies

Yn mynychu


Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerc)




Cllr Kerry Ferguson (Chair)

Cllr Alun Williams

Cllr Mari Turner

Cllr Talat Chaudhri

Cllr Lucy Huws

Cllr Sue Jones-Davies

Cllr Mark Strong

Cllr Jeff Smith

Cllr Dylan Wilson-Lewis

Cllr Steve Davies

In attendance


Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerk)


2 Ymddiheuriadau


Cyng Daniel Ardeshir




Cllr Daniel Ardeshir


3 Datgan Diddordeb:




Declaration of Interest:



4 Cyfeiriadau personol:



Personal references:




5 Parcio Beic Modur


Mae Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth yn croesawu beiciau modur ond mae’r ddarpariaeth parcio bresennol yn achosi rhywfaint o wrthdaro o ran diogelwch cerddwyr, oherwydd ei agosrwydd at ddwy groesfan i gerddwyr, a chyda’r ddarpariaeth adloniant yn y Bandstand. Gallai’r cynllun atal llifogydd arfaethedig ar gyfer y promenâd roi cyfle gwych i ddod o hyd i  atebion.


ARGYMHELLIR bod Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth yn trafod opsiynau gyda Chyngor Sir Ceredigion a’r Grŵp Gweithredu Beiciau Modur.



Motorbike Parking


Aberystwyth Town Council welcomes motorbikes but the current parking provision is causing some conflict both in terms of pedestrian safety, due to its close proximity to two pedestrian crossings, and with the entertainment provision in the Bandstand. The proposed flood prevention scheme for the promenade could provide an excellent opportunity to identify solutions.


It was RECOMMENDED that Aberystwyth Town Council discusses options with Ceredigion County Council and the Motorcycle Action Group.





6 Neuadd Gwenfrewi


  • Roedd y Llyfrgell Genedlaethol wedi cytuno i weithio gyda’r Cyngor Tref i goladu atgofion preswylwyr fel rhan o Gasgliad y Werin
  • Roedd y Clerc wedi cysylltu â rheolwyr prosiect cadwraeth lleol a oedd yn mynd i ymweld â’r eglwys ar 23 Tachwedd.
  • Roedd y Clerc wedi trefnu ymweliad safle gyda’r contractwr i nodi’r lleoliad gorau ar gyfer pâm i gadw’r planhigion yn ddiogel yn ystod y gwaith adfer.


Neuadd Gwenfrewi


  • The National Library had agreed to work with the Town Council to collate the memories of residents as part of the People’s Collection
  • The Clerk had contacted local conservation project managers who were going to visit the church on 23 November.
  • The Clerk had organised a site visit with the contractor to identify the best location for a bed to keep the plants safe during the restoration works.



7 Goleuadau Nadolig


Byddai adolygiad o gontractau yn digwydd yn y Cyfarfod Blynyddol.

Christmas lights


Review of contracts would take place in the Annual Meeting.


8 Maes Gwenfrewi


Roedd y gwaith i fod i ddechrau’r wythnos yn dechrau 15.11.2021 ond byddai ffensys diogelwch yn cael eu symud i’r safle cyn hynny.


Roedd Grŵp Aberystwyth Gwyrddach wedi darparu rhestr o goed addas. Gan eithrio sycamorwydden ac ychwanegu cyltifar coch o’r ddraenen wen, ARGYMHELLWYD y dylid cymeradwyo’r rhestr.


Maes Gwenfrewi


Works were due to start the week beginning 15.11.2021 but security fencing would be moved on site before then.


The Greener Aberystwyth Group had provided a list of suitable trees. With the exception of sycamore and the addition of a red cultivar of hawthorn the committee RECOMMENDED that the list be approved.


9 Rhandiroedd


  • Crëwyd mwy o randiroedd yn ddiweddar trwy rannu lleiniau pan ddaethant ar gael.
  • Cloddiwyd y pwll ond yn anffodus byddai angen leinin pwll arno. Byddai’r grant yn talu’r gost


  • Gan fod prisiau wedi cynyddu’n sylweddol roedd rhaid ymchwilio i nifer o opsiynau sied.


  • More allotments had been created recently by splitting plots when they became available.
  • The pond had been dug but unfortunately would need a pond linerThe cost would be covered by the grant
  • As prices had increased substantially various shed options would need to be investigated


10 Blodau


Roedd y Cyngor eisoes wedi cytuno i fabwysiadu pamau gan y Cyngor Sir.  Byddai angen ymchwilio i opsiynau ar gyfer tybiau gan gynnwys siarad â Chyngor Ceredigion a meithrinfeydd lleol.




Council had already agreed to adopt borders from the County Council.  Options for tubs would need to be investigated including speaking to Ceredigion Council and local nurseries.


Cysylltu gyda’r Cyngor Sir

Contact the County Council

11 Gwasanaethau trên Cambrian


Nid oedd Trafnidiaeth i Gymru yn newid eu barn ar y gwasanaeth bob awr. Roedd y Cyng Mark Strong wedi ysgrifennu at y Gweinidog a byddai’r Cynghorwyr Dylan Wilson-Lewis a Jeff Smith yn darparu diweddariad yn dilyn y cyfarfod rheilffordd nesaf.


Roedd y model trên 197 a fyddai’n cymryd lle’r model 158 presennol yn ddatblygiad siomedig oherwydd:


  • Dim ond disel oedden nhw, tra roedd y trydaneiddio yn cael ei ymestyn o Birmingham i’r Amwythig


  • Eu bod ond yn cynnwys un toiled fesul 122 sedd ac fe’u cynlluniwyd ar gyfer teithio maestrefol ac nid ar gyfer siwrneiau hirach ar draws gwlad


ARGYMHELLIR y dylid gwahodd Cludiant i Gymru i siarad â’r Cyngor Llawn.

Cambrian train services


Transport for Wales were not shifting their position on the hourly service. Cllr Mark Strong had written to the Minister and Cllrs Dylan Wilson-Lewis and Jeff Smith would provide an update following the next rail meeting


The 197 train model that would be replacing the current 158 train was a disappointing development as they:


  • Were diesel only, whilst electrification was being extended from Birmingham to Shrewsbury


  • Featured only one toilet per 122 seats and were designed for suburban travel and not longer journeys across country



It was RECOMMENDED that Transport for Wales be invited to talk to Full Council.


Gwahodd TiG

Invite TfW

12 Ymgynghoriadau Ceredigion Ceredigion Consultations


12.1 Cymraeg mewn addysg


Croesawodd y pwyllgor y cynllun ac ARGYMHELLIR y dylid ei gefnogi ar sail y canlynol:


  • Trochi i blant dan 7 oed yw’r unig ffordd i sicrhau rhuglder, a bydd yn rhoi’r cyfleoedd, y sgiliau a’r hyder iddynt ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg.
  • Bydd yn cefnogi’r diwylliant lleol
  • Bydd yn rhoi’r cychwyn gorau i blant a bydd yn caniatáu iddynt aros yn yr ardal
  • Bydd yn cefnogi nodau iaith Gymraeg Llywodraeth Cymru


Codwyd cwestiynau ynghylch darpariaeth fwy cyfyngedig y cynllun y tu hwnt i saith oed a gwnaed yr arsylwadau canlynol:


  • Mae angen ariannu’r cynllun yn iawn i gefnogi athrawon ac ysgolion
  • Dylai rhieni a disgyblion gael eu cefnogi trwy fentrau fel clybiau gwaith cartref ac ati
  • Mae angen i’r addysgu fod yn gyfoes gan ddefnyddio pob cyfrwng gan gynnwys y celfyddydau creadigol.


ARGYMHELLIR y dylid gwahodd cynrychiolydd o Adran Addysg Ceredigion i’r Cyngor Llawn

Welsh in education


The committee welcomed the plan and RECOMMENDED that it be supported based on the following:


  • Immersion for under 7s is the only way to achieve fluency, and it will provide them with the opportunities, skills and confidence to use Welsh.
  • It will support the local culture
  • It will give children the best start and will allow them to stay in the area
  • It will support Welsh Government’s Welsh language goals


Questions were raised about the plan’s more limited provision beyond the age of seven and the following observations were made:


  • The plan needs to be properly funded to support teachers and schools
  • Parents and pupils should be supported via initiatives such as homework clubs etc
  • Teaching needs to be contemporary using all mediums including the creative arts.


It was RECOMMENDED that a representative from Ceredigion’s Education Department be invited to Full Council




12.2 Cynllun Teithio llwybrau llesol


Byddai cynghorwyr yn ymateb yn unigol

Ceredigion Active Travel plans


Councillors would respond individually


13 Gohebiaeth


13.1 Diogelwch cerddwyr ar rhiw Penglais


Nodwyd amryw o faterion diogelwch yn effeithio cerddwyr ar hyd y ffordd o waelod Bryn Penglais i Goedlan Plascrug:

  • Palmentydd cul ar gornel rhiw Penglais â Ffordd y Gogledd , Porth y Gogledd ger y groesfan, ac ar Stryd Thespis
  • Parcio loriau a cheir ar y palmant
  • Cyffyrdd peryglus fel Stryd y Faenor a Ffordd Llanbadarn.


ARGYMHELLIR bod Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth yn cychwyn Ymgyrch Diogelwch ar y Ffyrdd ac yn galw am adolygiad o’r ardal

Pedestrian safety on Penglais Hill


Various pedestrian safety issues were noted for the route from the bottom of Penglais Hill to Plascrug Avenue:

  • Narrow pavements on the corner of Penglais Hill with North Road, Northgate St near the crossing, and on Thespian Street
  • Delivery lorry and car parking on the pavement
  • Dangerous junctions such as Vaynor Street and Llanbadarn Road.


It was RECOMMENDED that Aberystwyth Town Council initiates a Road Safety Campaign and calls for a review of the area


Cysylltu gydag Asiantaeth Cefnffyrdd LlC

Contact WG Trunk Road Agency

13.2 Baw cŵn ar Draeth y De:


Byddai hyn yn cael ei roi ar yr agenda nesaf

Dog fouling on South Beach:


This would be put on the next agenda


Agenda RhC

GM agenda

13.3 Ymchwiliad y Pwyllgor Llywodraeth Leol a Thai i ail gartrefi


Byddai hyn yn cael ei roi ar agenda’r Pwyllgor Cynllunio

Local Government and Housing Committee inquiry into second homes


This would be put on the Planning Committee agenda



Agenda Cynllunio

Planning agenda

Trefniadau Etholiadol Ceredigion o fis Mai 2022


Dosbarthwyd hwn i’r holl gynghorwyr er gwybodaeth

Ceredigion Electoral Arrangements from May 2022


This had been circulated to all councillors for information




          Cyngor Tref   ABERYSTWYTH   Town Council



11 Stryd y Popty / Baker Street


SY23 2BJ


01970 624761

Maer Aberystwyth Mayor: Y Cyng. / Cllr. Alun Williams


  1. 2021


Annwyl Gynghorydd / Dear Councillor


Fe’ch gwahoddir i gyfarfod arbennig ac o bell o’r Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol, nos Lun, 8.11.2021 am 6.30pm.


You are invited to an extraordinary and remote meeting of the General Management Committee on Monday evening 8.11.2021 at 6.30pm.




1 Presennol Present



2 Ymddiheuriadau Apologies



3 Datgan Diddordeb Declaration of Interest



4 Cyfeiriadau personol Personal references



5 Parcio beiciau modur Motor bike parking


6 Neuadd Gwenfrewi (Cyng. Lucy Huws)


Neuadd Gwenfrewi (Cllr Lucy Huws)
7 Goleuadau Nadolig (Cyng M Benjamin) Christmas lights (Cllr M Benjamin)


8 Maes Gwenfrewi Maes Gwenfrewi


9 Rhandiroedd Allotments


10 Blodau Flowers


11 Gwasanaethau trên Cambrian Cambrian train services


12 Ymgynghoriadau Ceredigion: Ceredigion Consultations


12.1 Cymraeg mewn Addysg Welsh in Education


12.2 Cynllun Teithio Llwybrau Llesol


Ceredigion Active Travel Plan
14 Gohebiaeth Correspondence


14.1 Diogelwch cerddwyr ar rhiw Penglais (Cyng Mark Strong)


Pedestrian safety Penglais Hill

(Cllr Mark Strong)


Yr eiddoch yn gywir/ Yours sincerely

Gweneira Raw-Rees – Clerc Cyngor Tref  – Aberystwyth – Town Council Clerk