
02/09/2024 at 7:00 pm


Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth Town Council


Cofnodion cyfarfod y Pwyllgor Cynllunio a gynhaliwyd o bell ac yn Siambr y Cyngor, 11 Stryd y Popty

Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held remotely and at the Council Chambers, 11 Baker Street







1 Yn bresennol:


Cyng. Jeff Smith (Cadeirydd)

Cyng. Mair Benjamin

Cyng. Talat Chaudhri

Cyng. Bryony Davies

Cyng. Emlyn Jones

Cyng. Lucy Huws

Cyng. Dylan Lewis-Rowlands

Cyng. Maldwyn Pryse


Yn mynychu:

Cyng. Umer Aslam

Cyng. Kerry Ferguson

Cyng. Shelley Childs (Cyngor Sir Ceredigion)

Will Rowlands (Clerc)

Carol Thomas (Cyfieithydd)

Pam Hughes (Aelod o’r cyhoedd)

Sydney Jones (Aelod o’r cyhoedd)

Dai Thomas (Aelod o’r cyhoedd)




Cllr. Jeff Smith (Chair)

Cllr. Mair Benjamin

Cllr. Talat Chaudhri

Cllr. Bryony Davies

Cllr. Emlyn Jones

Cllr. Lucy Huws

Cllr. Dylan Lewis-Rowlands

Cllr. Maldwyn Pryse


In attendance:

Cllr. Umer Aslam

Cllr. Kerry Ferguson

Cllr. Shelley Childs (Ceredigion County Council)

Will Rowlands (Clerk)

Carol Thomas (Translator)

Pam Hughes (Member of the public)

Sydney Jones (Member of the public)

Dai Thomas (Member of the public)


  PENDERFYNWYD diwygio trefn y busnes a symud eitem 6 i’w thrafod yn syth ar ôl eitem 4.


It was RESOLVED to amend the order of business and move item 6 to be discussed immediately after item 4.  
2 Ymddiheuriadau ac Absenoldeb:


Yn absennol efo ymddiheuriadau:

Cyng. Owain Hughes


Yn absennol heb ymddiheuriadau:



Apologies and Absences:


Absent with apologies:

Cllr. Owain Hughes


Absent without apologies:


3 Datgan Diddordeb:


5.4. A240621: 11 Stryd y Popty: Cyng. Emlyn Jones – perthynas fusnes gyda’r ymgeisydd.

Declaration of interest:


5.4. A240621: 11 Stryd y Popty: Cllr. Emlyn Jones – business relationship with applicant.


4 Cyfeiriadau Personol:



Personal references:




5 Ceisiadau Cynllunio


Planning Applications


5.1 A240546: Eglwys y Bedyddwyr, Maes Alfred


Mae safbwynt y Cyngor Tref yn parhau fel ag o’r blaen:


Mae’r Cyngor Tref yn cefnogi’r addasiadau anabledd a hygyrchedd. Fodd bynnag, ni all ystyried y cais oherwydd nad oes datganiad treftadaeth adeilad rhestredig. Gofynnir am gais cyflawn.


Rydym YN GWRTHWYNEBU cael gwared ar asedau rhestredig, megis yr organ a’r seddau, ond rydym yn hapus i ailystyried hyn os rhoddir cyfiawnhad dros eu tynnu.

A240546: Baptist’s Church, Maes Alfred


The Town Council’s position remains as previously:


The Town Council supports the disability and accessibility adaptations. However, it is unable to consider the application due to there being no listed building heritage statement. A complete application to be requested.


We OBJECT to the removal of listed assets, such as the organ and pews, however are happy to reconsider this should justification for their removal be given.


5.2 A240617 Cambrian Forge, 9 Dan Dre


Mae’r Cyngor Tref yn CEFNOGI’r cais hwn ond hoffai weld ffenestri pren yn hytrach na UPVC. Dylid gosod amod yn ei atal rhag cael ei ddefnyddio fel llety gwyliau.

A240617 Cambrian Forge, 9 Dan Dre


The Town Council SUPPORTS this application, however would like to see timber windows rather than UPVC. A condition should be placed preventing it from being used as holiday accommodation.


5.3 A240610: 41 Y Stryd Fawr


Mae’r Cyngor Tref yn CEFNOGI’r cais hwn ac yn croesawu’r gwelliannau i seilwaith gwyrdd. Gofynnwn yn garedig i’r datblygwr ystyried mathau eraill o baneli solar, megis rhai y gellir eu gosod yn gyfwyneb â llechi’r to.

A240610: 41 Y Stryd Fawr


The Town Council SUPPORTS this application and welcomes the improvements to green infrastructure. We would kindly ask the developer to consider other types of solar panels, such as ones which can be installed flush with roofing slates.


5.4 A240621: 11 Stryd y Popty


Ni chymerodd y Cyng Emlyn Jones ran yn y trafodaethau.


Mae’r Cyngor Tref yn CEFNOGI’r cais hwn ac yn ei groesawu fel un sy’n dod â gofod masnachol gwag yn ôl i ddefnydd, yn enwedig at ddibenion gofal iechyd.


Dylid nodi bod y Cyngor Tref yn denant ar lawr cyntaf yr un adeilad.

A240621: 11 Stryd y Popty


Cllr. Emlyn Jones did not participate in discussions.


The Town Council SUPPORTS this application and welcomes it as bringing empty commercial space back into use, especially for healthcare purposes.


It should be noted that the Town Council is tenant of the first floor of the same building.


6 Ymgynghoriad datblygwr cyn cynllunio: Cartref Gofal Bodlondeb


Gwnaed sylwadau gan aelodau o’r cyhoedd.


PENDERFYNWYD ymateb i’r ymgynghoriad cyn cynllunio yn gofyn am y canlynol:

·         Cadw’r hen ysgol, gan gynnal asesiad llawn o’r effaith ar dreftadaeth i gwmpasu’r potensial o drosi’r hen ysgol heb ei dymchwel.

·         Bod coed ynn a llwyfen ar y safle yn cael eu gwarchod, gan nodi pwysigrwydd yr Ynn fel cynefin i’r glöyn byw Brithribin Gwyn prin.

·         Bod hanner y llety a grëwyd yn cael ei ddyrannu ar gyfer pobl hŷn lleol.

·         Bod asesiad effaith traffig llawn yn cael ei gwblhau.


Nodwyd pryder ynghylch effaith cau Bodlondeb ar ddarpariaeth gofal cymdeithasol yn yr ardal, yn enwedig i’r henoed. I’w drafod gan y Cyngor Llawn.


Gadawodd y Cyng. Kerry Ferguson y cyfarfod.

Gadawodd y Cyng. Shelley Childs y cyfarfod.

Gadawodd Pam Hughes, Sydney Jones a Dai Thomas y cyfarfod.

Pre-planning developer consultation: Bodlondeb Care Home


Representations were made by members of the public.


It was RESOLVED to respond to the pre-planning consultation requesting the following:

·         The old school be kept, with a full heritage impact assessment carried out to scope the potential of converting the old school without demolition.

·         That both Ash and Elm trees on the site be protected, noting the importance of the Ash as a habitat for the rare White Letter Hairstreak butterfly.

·         Half of the accommodation created be allocated for local elderly persons.

·         That a full traffic impact assessment is completed.


Concern was noted over the impact of Boodlondeb’s closure on social care provision in the area, especially for the elderly. To be discussed by Full Council.


Cllr. Kerry Ferguson left the meeting.

Cllr. Shelley Childs left the meeting.

Pam Hughes, Sydney Jones & Dai Thomas left the meeting.


7 Gohebiaeth Correspondence


7.1 Ymgysylltiad Gwasanaethau Gofal Sylfaenol a Chymunedol y GIG: Sesiwn ymgysylltu yn Hwb Penparcau 24 Medi 2024. NHS Primary Care & Community Services engagement: Engagement session at Penparcau Hub 24 September 2024.  



          Cyngor Tref   ABERYSTWYTH   Town Council


11 Stryd y Popty / Baker Street


SY23 2BJ

01970 624761

Maer Aberystwyth Mayor: Y Cyng. / Cllr. Maldwyn Pryse



Annwyl Gynghorydd / Dear Councillor


Fe’ch gwahoddir i fynychu gyfarfod hybrid o’r Pwyllgor Cynllunio a gynhelir o bell ac yn Siambr y Cyngor, 11 Stryd y Popty, nos Lun, 2.9.2024 am 19:00


You are invited to attend a hybrid meeting of the Planning Committee to be held remotely and in the Council Chamber, 11 Baker Street, at 19:00 on Monday 2.9.2024




1 Yn bresennol Present
2 Ymddiheuriadau Apologies
3 Datganiadau diddordeb Declarations of interest
4 Cyfeiriadau personol Personal references
5 Ystyried Ceisiadau Cynllunio To consider Planning Applications
5.1 A240546: Eglwys y Bedyddwyr, Maes Albert


A240546: Batist’s Church, Maes Albert
5.2 A240617: Cambrian Forge, 9 Dan Dre A240617: Cambrian Forge, 9 Dan Dre
6 Ymgynghoriad datblygwr cyn cynllunio: Cartref Gofal Bodlondeb Pre-planning developer consultation: Bodlondeb Care Home
7 Gohebiaeth Correspondence

Yr eiddoch yn gywir/ Yours sincerely



Will Rowlands

Clerc Tref Aberystwyth Town Clerk



Gall y cyhoedd fynychu’r Pwyllgor trwy gysylltu gyda Swyddfa’r Cyngor Tref am fanylion

01970 624761 /

Members of the public can attend the Committee by contacting the Town Council Office for details