07/01/2013 at 6:30 pm
A meeting of the Planning Committee held on Monday 7th January 2013 in the Committee room, 11 Baker Street, Aberystwyth at 6.30pm
Councillor Kevin Price
Councillor Jeff Smith
Councillor Sue Jones-Davies
Councillor Mair Benjamin
Councillor Brenda Haines
Councillor Endaf Edwards
Councillor Brian Davies
Councillor Martin Shewring
Councillor Mark Strong
Councillor Steve Davies
Councillor Dylan Lewis
Councillor W Morris-Twiddy
Councillor Ceredig Davies
- Declarations of Interest.
There were none recorded.
- Planning issues and Economic Development in Aberystwyth
A copy of the new Aberystwyth Shopfront & Commercial Facade Design Guide was received in the office and electronic copies had been requested for information of members. These would be distributed as soon as they arrived.
- Correspondence
- An e mail from One Voice Wales giving details of a ministerial edict was reported in so much that unitary authority planning departments were given the following advice:
A new Welsh national planning policy document which states that economic benefits should be given the same consideration as social and environmental issues when councils are drawing up local plans has been published.
The Welsh government’s updated Planning Policy Wales provides the policy framework for the preparation of local planning authorities’ development plans.
The document states that local planning authorities “should recognise that there will be occasions when the economic benefits [of a scheme] will outweigh social and environmental considerations”.
The policy also states that:
Plans and decisions should be also be based on up-to-date and locally specific evidence which demonstrates the suitability of the existing employment land supply in relation to the requirements of business.
As part of the process of establishing a local evidence base, local planning authorities should undertake, and keep under review, an employment land review that is relevant to prevailing market conditions and the requirements of the development plan.
It also stipulates that council planning departments should support the move towards a low carbon economy by, for example, encouraging the development of clusters of industrial and commercial uses that derive environmental benefit from co-location.
Planning departments are also instructed by the document to look favourably on proposals for new on-site low carbon energy generation such as energy from waste facilities.
The policy also states that in instances where development plan policies are “outdated or superseded”, local planning authorities should give them decreasing weight in favour of other material considerations, such as national planning policy, in the determination of individual applications.
- To consider planning applications
Display of Signage
New Look, 40 Gt Darkgate Street, Aberystwyth
OBJECTION- This plan does not fit in with the new guidelines for “traditional” shop fronts, is not sustainable. There is no precedent and does not fit into the overall character of the area.
Creation of separate entrance on ground floor with minor internal alterations. Replacement of windows and doors, re-slating of roof and removal of chimney.
11 Baker Street, Aberystwyth
NO OBJECTION- in so far as the removal of the chimney does not contravene Ceredigion County Council planning policy on the retention and maintenance of chimneys.
Change of use of 1st and 2nd floor into 2 flats. Demolition of rear flat roof building and erection of first floor extension to form additional flat. Refurb. of rear cottage and associated work.
51 Great Darkgate St, Aberystwyth.
Is this a retrospective application? NO OBJECTION- As long as there is adequate storage on site for waste and historical architecture is not removed. Lack of parking provision! Aberystwyth Town Council welcomes the improvements.
A 120858
Change of use of ground, first and second floors to main building from class D1 into a single dwelling. Proposed change of use of two storey rear annexe into 2 self contained flats.
49 North Parade, Aberystwyth.
Demolition of single story extension and outbuildings and erection of two storey extensionto provide a total of 4 flats
61 Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth
OBJECTION- But if this development is allowed it is strongly recommended that officers regularly inspect the works to ensure that the build and specification comply with the listed building requirements. The use of uPVC is not acceptable in this development and the specification does not match or reflect the detail in the application. There are many contradictory statements.
Minute 152
Minutes of the General Management Committee held on 14th January 2013
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes as a true record of the meeting held on the 14th January 2013.