Cyngor Llawn

24/02/2014 am 6:30 pm




at 6.30pm.


Present:       Cllr Wendy Morris – Twiddy

Cllr Brenda Haines

Cllr Mair Benjamin

Cllr Endaf Edwards

Cllr Brendan Somers

Cllr Mererid Jones

Cllr Alun Williams

Cllr Ceredig Davies

Cllr Martin Shewring

Cllr Sue Jones – Davies

Cllr Sarah Bowen

Cllr Kevin Roy Price

Cllr Lucy Huws

Cllr Steve Davies

Cllr Jeff Smith

Cllr Brian Davies


Apologies:   Cllr Dylan Lewis

Cllr Mark Strong

Cllr Aled Davies


The Mayor welcomed Cllr Brendan Somers to his first meeting of council.


Minute 151:  Declarations of Interest.


Cllr Ceredig Davies………………………………………………Finance (reimbursement).

Cllr Kevin Roy Price……………………………………………..Finance (reimbursement).


Minute 152:  Personal References.


The Mayor welcomed back Cllr Brian Davies after a period of illness and wished him a speedy recovery.


Minute 153:  Mayoral Report.


Report circulated to members.





Minute 154:  Minutes of a meeting of Full Council held on 27th January 2014.


Minute 134 refers:  No reply or response from Hywel Dda Health Board. Office to request

Minute 136 refers:  Need to create a “Flyer” to promote the event.

Minute 137 refers:  Finance Minutes omitted. To be inserted in Final copy.

Minute 145 refers:  Cllr Mair Benjamin gave an update on Anti-Social behaviour.

Minute 148 refers:  “Wheelscape” the unsuccessful tender for the contract requested

information about the winning bid from “Freestyle”. This information is

commercially sensitive and should NOT be released as it is considered

exempt from Freedom of Information.

Minute 149 refers:  Cllr Mererid Jones had sought advice from “One Voice Wales” prior to

appointing Carl Williams as Deputy RFO.


Minute 155:  Matters arising from the minutes.


Cllr Mereid Jones provided an update on Cae Kronberg and problems with the outline planning:

(a) Need to get confirmation of ownership of the land which cannot be developed.

(b) Can trees be planted on the area?

(c) Can a “Picnic Area” be placed in the area?


Minute 156:  Minutes of a Planning Committee held on 3rd February 2014.



Councillor Endaf Edwards

Councillor Ceredig Davies

Councillor Kevin Price

Councillor Jeff Smith

Councillor Lucy Huws

Councillor Brenda Haines

Councillor Wendy Morris-Twiddy

Councillor Mair Benjamin



Councillor Sue Jones-Davies

Councillor Steve Davies

Councillor Mererid Jones

Councillor Mark Strong

Councillor Martin Shewring


  1. Correspondence


The following correspondence was received from Cyngor Sir Ceredigion.

Planning decisions:

A130154 – approved

A130640 – approved

A130835LB – approved

A130798 – approved

A130891 – approved

Notification of Tree Works – Consultation:

The Tollhouse, Llanbadarn Road

The following correspondence was received from the Planning Inspectorate, regarding the following appeals:

A130126 – allowed

A130591 – refused

A130701 – refused

The meeting noted that there is an issue with planning permissions for late-night take-away food establishments in Aberystwyth town centre (this issue is particularly relevant to application A130701, Marco’s, 11 Pier Street).  Closing times vary from 11.00 pm to 4.00 am.  It appears that Ceredigion County Council have tried unsuccessfully to ensure the same closing time for each establishment.  Those establishments which only have planning consent to close at 11.00 pm remain open in defiance of their planning permission.  The chairman is to write to CCC to ask them to enforce permission for these establishments.

  1. Local Development Plan (LDP) Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance Consultation: Affordable Housing, Special Landscape Areas, Open Space


The consultation documents were due to be considered at this meeting before a response is sent to CCC.  However, due to the length of these documents and the fact that the consultation remains open until 28 February 2014 the chairman asked members to view these and send any comments they may have to him so that they can be collated and a response sent to CCC.  Hard-copy versions are available in the office and the chairman is to email members with the links to the documents.


  1. To consider planning applications

A130705 / A130706LB (Amended Plans)Conversion of, and minor alterations to existing promenade building to provide 18 hotel bedrooms, restaurant and reception.  Demolition of rear extensions and replacement with 5‑storey extension containing 45 hotel bedrooms and associated works.  Alterations to Bath Street Car Park to provide 40 parking spaces.

Bay Hotel, 36 Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth.

Objection.  The rear of the proposed development is not in keeping with the character of the area.  The rear should be a floor lower with a pitched roof.  However, Aberystwyth Town Council appreciates that the original frontage is retained.


A130741AV (Amended Plans)

Display of signage

Lloyds Pharmacy, 8 North Parade, Aberystwyth

No objection.



Demolition of one brick chimney

Ty Talbot, Market Street, Aberystwyth

Objection.  We consider that the proposal would diminish the vertical dimension of the Aberystwyth townscape.


Development of a 4 storey building comprising of 22 affordable units, access arrangements and associated works

Tabernacle site, Mill Street, Aberystwyth


Mr Keith Davies, Affordable Housing Officer for Ceredigion Council, addressed the meeting and answered members’ questions regarding this application.

No objection.  Concerns were expressed, however, regarding a number of issues: the lack of parking spaces in the area; the location of the site opposite the access to the service area of the Tesco food store (part of the Mill Street Car Park site), which would lead to increased congestion, particularly as the road narrows in this area; the feasibility of refuse collection from the site.  We wish to see the road widened closer to the petrol station on Mill Street.  It is unclear what amenity facility (such as a courtyard) would be available for residents.  We ask that a condition of tenancy is that residents have no vehicles (similar to a condition already applied in Cardigan). We also ask that the developers keep the original features of the site as far as possible, including the walls and railings in Powell Street.  We would also wish to see the bronze angel returned to its original plinth, at the Powell Street end of the site and that a plaque is put in place to mark the previous use of the site. 


Erection of a two storey rear extension

23 Third Avenue, Penparcau, Aberystwyth

No objection.


The application is for mixed use (B1 and A2) of office rooms 007, 008 and 009 in the building referred to (Harbour House).  The current planning consent is B1.

Harbour House, Y Lanfa, Trefechan, Aberystwyth

No objection.

Any comment on the LDP should be forwarded to Cllr Endaf Edwards before 12 pm on Friday 28th February 2014.

Cllr Mair Benjamin asked if there was an update on the service area to Tesco. (opposite the Tabernacl Development). No update received to date. Request to follow up.

Cllr Ceredig Davies asked if there had been a response from Highways regarding the widening of the road which was a condition of planning permission for the Tabernacl Development.

Bay Hotel application was withdrawn prior to CCC Planning Committee. Owner wanted time to re-draw plans as a result of recent storm damage. The application may be re-submitted in the next couple of months.


Minute 157:  Minutes of General Manegement Committee held on 10th February 2014.



Cllr  Ceredig Davies

Cllr  Brenda Haines

Cllr  Mair Benjamin

Cllr  Sue Jones-Davies

Cllr  Martin Shewring

Cllr  Wendy Morris-Twiddy

Cllr  Endaf Edwards

Cllr  Steve Davies

Cllr  Kevin Roy Price

Cllr  J.A.Davies

Cllr  Mererid Jones

Cllr  Jeff Smith




Cllr  Dylan Lewis

Cllr  Lucy Huws

Cllr  Brian Davies

Cllr  Mark Strong


1    Apologies

As shown in attendance register.

2    Declaration of Interest



*“Morlan” not available for Annual Meeting of Council and Mayor Making on Friday 9th

May 2014.

Options considered: “Morlan” Saturday 10th May 2014.

Neuadd Goffa and St Anne’s Church Friday 9th May. (Check on drinks Licence). Neuadd

Goffa £12.00 per hour charge, cost of St Anne’s currently not known. Neuadd Goffa for

Mayor making ceremony. Cllr Brenda Haines to check on the availability of Holy Trinity

for Mayors Sunday Service on 11th May and also request that her Chaplin conducts the

service if possible.

Mayors Parade 10th May 2014.It was suggested that the office be responsible for the

*Letter from Mr Allan Lewis re the Farmers Market requesting that a solution needs to

be forthcoming to run and fund the market and that he was looking to Aberystwyth

Town Council to consider options. Members requested that responsibilities and

financial implications are required prior to proceeding further.




3     Update on Premises.

Cllr Ceredig Davies stated that he had met with Mr Huw Bates the solicitor acting on

behalf of Aberystwyth Town Council. Members requested clarification on an inclusive

annual rent of £15000.00 and that of the Service Charges. Clarification was also needed

as to who was to sign the lease on behalf of the council on completion of handover.

4    Allotments Update.

At a recent meeting between Aberystwyth University, Ceredigion County Council and

the delegated member from Aberystwyth Town Council to reappraise the allotment

project it was agreed that the venture should now be called “Growing Spaces” with the

potential for planting in February of 2015. A “memo of understanding” needs to be

implemented and it was recommended that the Legal Department of the University

undertake this task. A set up fee of £45.000 was required with a suggested contribution

of £15.000 from Aberystwyth Town Council. It was understood that Ceredigion County

Council would be holding a meeting with the Minyddol Allotment holders to inform

them of soil report surrounding their respective plots. It was further recommended that

Faenor Community Council be invited to appoint two councillors to represent them in

order that they be kept fully informed of the progress of this joint venture.

5   Minyddol Muga and Adizone.

Little progress has been forthcoming on this issue. It was therefore suggested that a

meeting should be convened with all users of these facilities.

6   Skateboard Park.

Soil analysis of the area had proved to be good which would minimise maintenance costs.

A meeting was to be held on Tuesday 11th February with relevant members and the

appointed contractor to undertake the installation work.

7   Street Banners.

Concerns had been expressed about the “Insurance” for such banners. Members were

informed that providing the catenary wires were adequate then banners could be

erected. A risk assessment would however have to be taken on an annual basis to ensure

adequate insurance cover.

8   North Road Park.

Members were informed that branches of trees had been broken either through

vandalism or as the result of the recent storms. Cllr Ceredig Davies indicated that he was

prepared to cut the fallen branches until such time as they could be removed. Cllr Aled

Davies was requested to investigate the provision of a sign for the park.

9   Promenade Lighting.

The replacement of the Festoon Lighting could possibly be included as part of the funding

made available following the storm damage. Three lighting companies were requested to

provide informal tenders for the lighting scheme. Members thanked Cllr Ceredig Davies

for all the hard work he had undertaken on this matter.

10 Promenade Flag.

There was a need to remove and replace the current flag on the Castle Grounds and Cllrs                                                                                               Aled Davies and Martin Shewring offered to investigate. Cllr Mair Benjamin notified members that she had a replacement flag.

11 Outstanding issues.

(a) St David’s Day Parade. It was noted that the Mayor would be receiving an invite from

the organisers to participate in the parade.

(b) Office Furniture. It was decided that no further progress be made until the building

works had been completed and the premises handed to the council.

(c) Cycle Race 23/25 May 2014. Members were informed that at a meeting on 5th

February with members of the University and Aberystwyth cyclists confirmed that

the event would take place on 25th and 26th May 2014. Cllr Ceredig Davies

recommended that Aberystwyth Town Council takes full advantage of the publicity

and publicity material that would be generated for the event to benefit the town.

(d) Twinning. The Mayor reminded members present of the Twinning Event taking place

in the Morlan on Saturday 22nd March.

(e) Yellow Lines. Members were reminded to submit their suggestions for the

implementation of Yellow Lines.


Correction to Minutes:  Mayor’s Parade to be held on 11th May not 10th May 2014.

Update:  Inauguration in St Anne’s Hall. Reception in Neuadd Goffa.

Parade:  Will commence from Canolfan Alun R. Edwards (Old Town Hall) at 10.15am to

St Michael’s Church.  Cllr Ceredig Davies to organise.

Lease Update:  Awaiting update from the landlord who has had a revised copy. It was

discussed that room dividers be removed. Cllr Ceredig Davies to update members.

Allotments:   Ceredigion to write to Faenor, Aberystwyth and Llanbadarn Councils for

representatives to sit on a new Allotments Management Group. A meeting would also be held in Minyddol on 5th March 2014.

Street Banners:  *Problems with no catenary wire from the Dolphin due to redevelopment.

*Need to have a system for when banners are being erected.

*Cllr Mair Benjamin to report back on whether Market Traders wished to

buy a banner. The council would then find a viable location for it.

*Cllr Ceredig Davies said a formal request was required from the Market

*The foregoing banner items to be included in the next agenda of the

General Management Committee.

Festoon Lighting:  An application had been submitted to Steffan Roberts of WAG.

Flag:  Cllr Martin Shewring to put up flag prior to St.Davids Day. Need to ensure flags are durable.

Cycle Race: Further funding received from WAG. A meeting will be held in the office on the 5th March to organise timescale/funding.


Minute 158:  Minutes of a Finance Committee held on 17th February 2014.



Cllr Mererid Jones

Cllr Mair Benjamin

Cllr Ceredig Davies

Cllr Wendy Morris – Twiddy

Cllr J.A.Davies

Cllr Endaf Edwards

Cllr Brian Davies

Cllr Dylan Lewis

Cllr Alun Williams

Cllr Kevin Roy Price




Cllr Brenda Haines

Cllr Mark Strong


1    Declaration of Interest.

There were no declarations of interest.


2    Correspondence.

(a) Letter from One Voice Wales inviting Town Council to renew its membership at a cost of

£1,450.00.  Members decided to invite a representative of One Voice Wales to attend a

meeting to discuss the services they are able to provide.

(b) Letter from British Heart Foundation requesting a donation towards the foundation. It was

decided to invite them to make a request using the Town Council application form.

(c) Correspondence from Arad Goch requesting support for their “Open Doors” event. It was

decided to support in principle possibly with contributing towards the cost of a buffet during

the closing event but there was need for more information. Mayor to liaise with Arad Goch.

(d) Correspondence from Carmarthen County Council requesting confirmation of continuing to

manage Town Council’s pay roll. Members decided to continue with the long standing

(e) Forms received from Big Lottery Fund in order to draw down £21,000. as part of the

Skateboard Park bid.


3    Review Accounts for January 2014.

A number of budget headings were underspent  but there  were still some outstanding items. A

request was made on more information on Partnership Schemes as there was some ambiguity

as to whether they were deliverable in particular matters relating to CCTV.

Accounts were accepted.


4    Questions on Financial Matters.

There were no questions on financial matters that had not been fully covered under previous

agenda items.


5    Referred Matters.

(a)Promenade Festoon Lights : Proceed with the project subject to financial contribution being

made available by Ceredigion County Council.

(b) “Growing Spaces Project” along Clarach Road:  Project is still being moved forward,

potentially with expanding the number of partners involved. Emphasis was placed on the

need of setting up a strong management module from the start.

(c) Menter Aberystwyth:  reprentatives of Menter Aberystwyth were to be invited to attend a

meeting with Town Council in order to discuss matters of mutual interest. The meeting with

council could either be one with Full Council or General Management committee.


6    Projections to the end of March 2014.

There was no discussion on this matter and it was deferred until the next meeting.


7    Marketing and Town Branding.

Cllr Kevin Price emphasised on the need to have a consistent brand and image for Town Council,

the need for a recognisable corporate identity. Cllr Kevin Price was delegated to expand the

concept and all councillors were asked to give their input.


8    Annual Review of Financial Regulations.

On reviewing the financial regulations it was decided to amend them in the following manner:

All references to RFO referring matters to Clerk to be amended to RFO referring matters to the

Chair of Finance Committee.

Point 3.4 Delete the word “extreme”

Point 3.4 Reduce limit of expenditure from £500 to £200.

Point 3.4 Amend “ The Clerk shall report the action to the council as soon as practicable

thereafter” to “ The Clerk shall report the action immediately to the Chair of Finance

Point 11.1 (b) (f) Amend “one member of council” to “two members of council”

Point 15.1 Amend “ in consultation with the Clerk” to “in consultation with the Chair of Finance”

Point 18.1  Amend “from time to time” to “ annually or at any time in order to meet statutory



9    Revue of policies timescale.

It was decided that there was a need to review all council policies by September 1st 2014 and

the work was to be carried out by the respective committee or council. A work programme of

two policies to be reviewed per month per committee was agreed.

A list of policies were presented to the committee and it was decided to allocate them in the

following order.

Staffing Panel;  Policy No 1, 4, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22.

Finance Committee;  Policy No 2

General Management;  Policy No 3, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 18, 19.

Full Council;  Policy No 5, 9, 10, 23, 24, 25.


2 (a): Should read £1,405 not £1,450. One Voice Wales not available for Finance meeting in March. 5pm meeting to be considered.

5 (c): Menter Aberystwyth happy to attend General Management meeting on 10th March.

9:      Spelling correction “Review” not “Revue”


Minute 159:  Planning Applications.

“A 140061” Display facia – Monsoon, Great Darkgate Street, Aberystwyth. Change of name to “Monsoon Accessories”. Sign will not be illuminated. Existing shop front will be retained.

No objection. Billingual signage to be provided where applicable. Cllr Ceredig Davies abstained from voting.


Minute 160:  Correspondence.

Gala Lights:  Reimbursement of £1,944.00 to council for “Break – out” boxes not installed.

Road Closure:  Notification.

Play Conference –  24/3/14:  Ray Ceredigion invite to all councillors.

Pared Gwyl Dewi – 1/3/14:  Meet at 12 noon in Merched y Wawr.

1.00pm at Town Clock. E-mail to all councillors.

One Voice Wales:  Training courses available to all councillors.

Victim Support:   Requesting donation. Letter sent asking for application in April.

NSPCC:   Requesting donation.

Ceredigion Arts Society:  Museum not available in current year. Asking for “Gas Showrooms” will be available according to Cllr Alun Williams. Ask Ceredigion for empty premises, i.e. Boots. Also to write to Elaine suggesting Economic Development department.

One Voice Wales:  Requesting positive stories of council’s experiences with OVW.

Neighbourhood Day Celebration.

Trevor Purt (Hywel Dda): Response to Simon Thomas’ letter.

Llanbadarn Fawr Community Council:  Request for VC has already been erected for Lewis Evans. Suggest writing to grandson to explain that there is a valid memorial in place.

One Voice Wales Conference:  Date for motions by 17th April 2014. Conference on 4/10/14. Cllr Mererid Jones to attend.

Cynghrair Cymunedau Cymraeg AGM:  1st March 2014 from 10.00am until 3.30pm. Cllr Jeff Smith unable to attend. Cllr Mark Strong to deputise.

Tabernacl Development:  Letter from Neil Taylor objecting to the development. It was noted that this was a copy and as such should only be acknowledged.

Hywel Dda Health Board  1/2/14:  Letter from Mark Drakeford stating that a review being carried out to determine terms of reference. Cllr Alun Williams declared an interest and left the meeting. Cllr Ceredig Davies noted that Mark Drakeford only refers back to Hywel Dda Health Board. Cllr Martin Shewring stated that evidence was required to determine that the Health Board had not responded. Write back to Mark Drakeford stating councils’ disappointment with his response. Needs to be noted that Hywel Dda is not answerable to anybody.

Walk for Life. 27th April 2014:  The letter requested council to organise a walk in our local area. It was resolved to refer to General Management committee.

Race for Life. 18th May 2014:  Requesting promotion of event via Town Council

Noah’s Ark:  Requesting Mayor Elect to consider Noah’s Ark to be here nominated charity.

Jackie Sharman – Parking Eye:  A letter to be written stating that Council is not responsible for this. Copy to CCC Traffic Management Department and Trading Standards.

Gwyl Agor Drysau – 1st – 4th April 2014:  A letter to be sent to organisers requesting a specific sum then forwarded to the Finance Committee. Any councillors available to help with the parade would be gratefully appreciated.


Minute 161:  Questions relating to Councils’ remit.


Minute 162:  Finance.

Declarations of interest from – Councillor Kevin Price, Councillor Jeff Smith and Councillor Ceredig Davies.

Decided to hold back cheques for Ceredigion County Council and Anna Bullen until certain issues had been resolved. However, following discussion it was resolved to make the payments.


Minute 163:  Verbal reports from Ceredigion County Councillors.

Alun Williams: – Shrewsbury – Aberystwyth Liaison Committee on Friday 28th February at 11.15am in Machynlleth.

Successful ESTYN report – Ceredigion the only “EXCELLENT” classification in Wales.

Repair work is continuing on the Promenade. Repair work will cost £1.5 million from Welsh Government plus SRA £400K and Tourism Funding. Ceredigion County Council will have to finance a £0.5 million shortfall.

No St.Davids Day Run this year as Pared Gwyl Dewi has been very successful and the focus is on the Pared.

Ceredig Davies: – WAG and Ceredigion County Council have posted notices of Glyndwr Road access relating to the Mill Street Development. Meeting to discuss compulsory purchases in Glyndwr Road to be held on 11th March. Cllr Mair Benjamin felt that this matter should wait until after the 11/3/14 meeting.


Minute 164: Written reports from representatives to outside bodies.

Fair-trade Aberystwyth. – Cllr Mererid Jones.

One Voice Wales. – Cllr Mererid Jones.

Cae Kronberg sub-committee. – Cllr Mererid Jones and Cllr Sue Jones-Davies.

Aberystwyth Regeneration Area. – Cllr Alun Williams.


Questions arising from reports:

Cllr Ceredig Davies: Bandstand development. Noted that the engineers wish to revisit the plans. Did the review take place prior to Planning?

Cllr Alun Williams: Reviewed by Natural Resources Wales and was reported to planning.


Cllr Mair Benjamin: Do we need to spend so much money on a building which is only open for part of the year? It needs to be open more often. Could we see the Structural Report?

Cllr Alun Williams; The whole building will be open throughout the year.


Cllr Wendy Morris – Twiddy:  When the business plan is available we will all be interested in seeing it.

Cllr Lucy Huws:  How set in stone is the design?

Cllr Alun Williams:  Application received planning permission, but there may opportunities to modify the design.


Cllr Sarah Bowen:  Think it should be left as it is, but something needs to be done because it is not used frequently at the moment.

Cllr Endaf Edwards:  Original plans were objected to by Town Council Planning Committee in October 2013.

Cllr Brian Davies:  The toilet area has been reduced.


Aberystwyth Football Club.

Cllr Mair Benjamin requested an update.

Cllr Mererid Jones declared an interest as a member of Tai Ceredigion.


Minute 165: To appoint Mayor – Elect for Mayoral Year 2014-15.

Cllr Ceredig Davies proposed Cllr Brenda Haines

Cllr Sue Jones-Davies seconded this motion.

13 members supported the motion.

1 (one) abstention.


Minute 166: To appoint Deputy Mayor – Elect for Mayoral Year 2014-15.

Cllr Brian Davies proposed Cllr Endaf Edwards.

Cllr Brendan Somers seconded the motion.


Cllr Martin Shewring proposed Cllr Martin Shewring.


14 members voted in favour of Cllr Endaf Edwards.


Minute 167:  CCTV provision in Aberystwyth.

Ceredigion County Council withdrawing £150K support for provision which will finish at the end of March 2014.

8 Cameras………………………………………….£5,716.00 per annum.

£5,000.00 network link

£13,000.00 maintenance link.

Aberystwyth Town Council contribution per annum £11,716.00


  • No monitoring facility – The cameras will be directional ie. being constantly recording so the police can use as a tool.
  • CCTV is a strong tool for crime reduction
  • CCTV is required in order to retain the Purple Flag.
  • No staff to supervise the monitoring of the cameras.
  • Send a letter to the Police and Crime Commissioner expressing disappointment that he is not providing any funding.
  • Could Aberystwyth Town Council ask the University for a contribution and to assist with the License.?

Cllr Mair Benjamin suggested writing to the Chamber of Trade and Aberystwyth Business Club asking for matched funding

Cllr Jeff Smith suggested that the council ascertains how many businesses have their own CCTV facilities.

Cllr Lucy Huws suggested a comparison between the cost of a policeman on the street and the cost of CCTV. Include in letter to Police Commissioner.

Cllr Brian Davies asked if Lampeter and Aberaeron would be willing to contribute a third of the cost of the network link and maintenance.

(Lampeter and Aberaeron have agreed.  However, Tregaron and New Quay have withdrawn from the scheme).


Cllr Ceredig Davies stated that CCTV protected businesses and people coming into the area. It is unfair that we should be paying for this. Has CCTV reduced the number of police on the street? It should be a countywide solution to a wider problem.


Cllr Kevin Roy Price asked how does the network link to Lampeter and Aberaeron work? Is it fair that we have to pay for the cabling?


Cllr Endaf Edwards asked why Cardigan was not included in the calculations?  They could be “Conservative Cashmates” We are not going to back the original plan of paying in line with prior plan.


It was agreed to write to parties immediately and refer to General Management Committee.


Minute 168: Staffing matters.

This was an exempt item and members therefore resolved to go into committee in line with legal procedure.