Full Council

22/10/2012 at 6:30 pm







Present::Councillor Dylan Lewis

Councillor Mair Benjamin

Councillor Sarah Bowen

Councillor Brian Davies

Councillor Ceredig Wyn Davies

Councillor Steve Davies

Councillor Endaf Edwards

Councillor Christopher Griffiths

Councillor Brenda Haines

Councillor Mererid Jones

Councillor Sue Jones-Davies

Councillor Carys Morgan

Councillor Wendy Morris-Twiddy

Councillor Kevin Roy Price

Councillor Martin Shewring

Councillor Alun Williams


Apologies:Councillor J Aled Davies

Councillor Mark Strong

Councillor Jeff Smith


In AttendanceMr Ben Davies- Arriva Trains Wales

Mr Michael Vaughan- Arriva Trains Wales


Minute 93

Declarations of Interest for matters arising from agenda items


Minute 94

Mr Ben Davies- Arriva Trains Wales

Mr Davies and Mr Vaughan gave a talk about progress of upgrades to rolling stock and line infrastructure and general “state of the nation” news regarding Arriva Trains Wales. They gave out information sheets regarding some of these points.

They both then went on to answer questions from the members regarding a wide range of issues pertaining to Arriva Trains.


Minute 95

Personal References


Minute 96

Mayoral Activity Report

The Mayor had provided a comprehensive resume of his activities as Mayor on behalf of Aberystwyth Town Council.

Minute 97

Minutes of a meeting of Council held on 24th September 2012

It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the meeting as a true record.


Minute 98

Minutes of a Planning Committee held on 1st October 2012

It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the meeting as a true record.

A meeting of the Planning Committee held on Monday 1st October 2012 in the Committee room, 11 Baker Street, Aberystwyth at 6.30pm


PresentCouncillor K R Price

Councillor E Edwards

Councillor B Davies

Councillor C Davies

Councillor S Davies

Councillor W Morris-Twiddy

Councillor D Lewis

Councillor S Jones-Davies

Councillor J A Davies

Councillor J Smith


ApologiesCouncillor S Bowen

Councillor M Strong


  1. Declarations of Interest

DOI’s were received from Councillor J A Davies in three applications as separately noted.


  1. Planning issues and Economic Development in Aberystwyth

Notice that the annual November fair was noted.


  1. Correspondence

There was none for this committee


  1. Planning Applications

It was RESOLVED to make the following observations to local planning applications

A12 0595 (dated 3rd September 2012)

The property is a licensed student house (HMO) and the owner wants to extend to provide a larger kitchen and additional shower room, making it suitable for six occupants.

35 High Street, Aberystwyth.

STRONGLY OBJECT- Work on this site has already commenced and well advanced. Yet again the planning process is being short-circuited and to the detriment of neighbours’ who have made representations to local members. Aberystwyth Town Council asks that all work immediately cease on this site until all due process is completed.


A12 0606 (dated 4th September 2012)

Replace ‘worn out’ skatepark and enhance existing scrubland into publicly accessible area to include walkway and recreational use.

Boulevard St Brieuc, Aberystwyth.

This application is noted- Aberystwyth Town Council chooses not to make any representation in this matter as it is the applicant. There could be a potential conflict of interests.


A12 0607 (dated 3rd September 2012)

The construction of a SUDS Detention Pond.

Maes Crugiau, Rhydyfelin, Aberystwyth.

No Objection- Can assurance be made regarding the safety of this development and the close proximity of so many children living on nearby estates? Is the pond to be fenced?


A12 0616 (dated 5th September 2012)

Erection of a dwelling.

Gwernllwyn, Piercefield Lane, Penparcau, Aberystwyth.

No Objection- It is pleasing to see that previous comments leading to refusal have been listened to in this revised application. 


A12 0636 (dated 13th September 2012)

Change of use from A1 to A3 use (ground floor only).

The Shop, 4 Northgate Street, Aberystwyth.

Declaration of Interest received from Cllr J A Davies

No Objection- HOWEVER- careful note is taken of the close proximity of other food outlets in the immediate area and is there a danger of over saturation in this heavily residential street?

Careful application of operating hours should be imposed on operator and the shop should not be allowed to operate into the early hours and less on a Sunday.


A12 0641 (dated 17th September 2012)

Proposed internal and external refurbishment.

Market Hall, Upper Great Darkgate Street, Aberystwyth.

No Objection- Aberystwyth Town Council welcomes this development.


A12 0645 (dated 19th September 2012)

Variation of Condition 4 to allow opening of the premises between 0900am and 0500am seven days a week to include Sundays and Bank Holidays.

11 Pier Street, Aberystwyth.

Declaration of Interest received from Cllr J A Davies

OBJECTION-careful note is taken of the close proximity of other food outlets in the immediate area and is there a danger of over saturation in this heavily residential street? Noise and potential litter will add to an existing local issue.


A12 0653 (dated 20th September 2012)

Change of use to include use class A3 food and drink for the ground floor.

6 Chalybeate Street, Aberystwyth.

Declaration of Interest received from Cllr J A Davies

NO OBJECTION- Subject to operating hours not exceeding 11pm on weekdays and Saturdays and 10pm on Sundays.


Minute 99

Minutes of the General Management Committee held on 8th October 2012

It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the meeting as a true record.



Present:Councillor Mair Benjamin

Councillor J Aled Davies

Councillor Ceredig Wyn Davies

Councillor Steve Davies

Councillor Endaf Edwards

Councillor Mererid Jones

Councillor Sue Jones-Davies

Councillor Kevin Roy Price

Councillor Martin Shewring

Councillor Mark Strong

Councillor Alun Williams


Apologies:                Councillor Sarah Bowen

Councillor Brenda Haines

Councillor Dylan Lewis

Councillor Wendy Morris-Twiddy


  1. Declarations of Interest

Councillor Mark Strong- Correspondence.

  1. Correspondence
  1. Freedom of the Town

A letter asking for a freedom of the town to be considered was received. It was RESOLVED to refer the matter to the next General Management Committee for consideration after more facts had been confirmed.


  1. Friends of the Earth- Aberystwyth

A letter stating support for the green initiatives proposed by Aberystwyth Town Council was received. It was reported that the matter was still under consideration by Ceredigion County Council and that the Clerk had not yet had any confirmation of the request for electric vehcle charging points.


  1. Community Asset Transfer Scheme.

A request for consideration of the transfer of a property under the above scheme was denied by Ceredigion County Council as it was under an obligation to financially service its obligations.


  1. North Road green area quotation

Following a meeting between CCS and the chairman of this committee and the Town Clerk a quotation for a single cut and an annual maintenance plan was received.

Following discussion it was RESOLVED to:

  1. Accept the quote for the final cut of the year.
  2. Not to tender again for the annual maintenance plan.
  3. To confirm to CCS by the end of December as to whether to proceed with the annual maintenance plan. This would depend on whether Aberystwyth Town Council was to follow any ideas that came forward for improving the site.
  1. Report on Allotments in Min y Ddol

Councillor Mererid Jones had furnished a report of the recent meeting to discuss the provision of allotments in the Penparcau area.

It was confirmed that it was allotments on the proposed site was not the best option due to strong local opposition  and it was hoped that a community orchard, which was an option liked by the local population could be planted on the area instead.

Following a long convoluted discussion it was RESOLVED to:

  1. Within 6 months form a constituted body to oversee the establishment of a community orchard? This group would oversee the “management” of the area and ensure that set standards would be maintained.
  2. Write to Ceredigion County Council and ascertain the status of the current allotment take up, and enquire when the last review took place. It had been reported that up to 17 allotments were not being used to full potential.
  3. To write to the estates department and enquire what action could be taken regarding possible encroachment by certain households into the green area under lease.
  4. To make enquiries as to the potential of expanding the current allotment provision towards the river.
  5. To consider an application to the RA fund and the Balchder Pentrefi funds for completion of this project.


  1. Report on new council accommodation

The Clerk had circulated information which outlined an idea that others had had for the future shape of 11 Baker Street. He showed a potential artists impression of the façade and a proposed plan of the interior. He reminded members that Aberystwyth Town Council had not instigated this exercise.

The Chairman reminded members that the information on the sheets was of a confidential nature and expected all the papers to be returned after the meeting.

A wide ranging discussion took place regarding the future office provision of the Aberystwyth Town Council and to this end it was RESOLVED to:

  1. Make enquiries regarding other available premises in Aberystwyth.
  2. That the chairmen of the Council’s committee’s meet with the landlord to discuss potential leasing and to further the ideas already discussed.


  1. Christmas Lights 2012

The Clerk had tried to contact a number of contacts he had been given with a view to establishing a new contract for the erection of the Christmas lights. To date he had not succeeded in getting anyone to reply to him.

It was RESOLVED to make enquiries with established local electrical contractors to see if there was any interest in that sector.

It was further RESOLVED to acquire the town Christmas Tree from the usual source who had a proven reliability record.

A request for a tree in Trefechan was referred to the Finance committee for consideration.


  1. Consideration of items for forthcoming estimates for 2013

Members were reminded that sensible suggestions were needed in the next month or so for future expenditure plans.



  1. Updates on Resolutions

The Chairman apologised for not having had the time to spend reviewing the edit of the list of Resolutions with the Town Clerk who had done this alone.

The revised list was circulated for information.


Minute 100

Minutes of a Finance Committee meeting held on 16th October 2012

It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the meeting as a true record.



Present:Councillor M Jones

Councillor W Morris-Twiddy

Councillor J A Davies

Councillor B Haines

Councillor E Edwards

Councillor M Strong

Councillor M Benjamin

Councillor B Davies

Councillor M Shewring


Apologies:         Councillor S Jones-Davies

Councillor C Davies

Councillor  D Lewis

Councillor  A Williams


  1. Declarations of Interest

Councillor Morris-Twiddy – Aberystwyth Carnival


  1. Report on the Aberystwyth  Carnival 2012.

Councillor Morris-Twiddy had submitted a comprehensive report for the committee on the activities of the Carnival committee.

She went on with the permission of the chairman to answer questions about the successful event. There were lots of new ideas for next year.

Members were keen to congratulate the committee on all their hard work.


  1. Correspondence
  1. Confirmation of the cancellation of the Peninsula H R Advice contract was received. The contract would cease in April 2013.


  1. Questions relating to financial matters

There were none asked.


  1. Future budget and precept considerations

The Chairman and Clerk outlined the requirements for the forthcoming budget setting.

It was agreed that the Chairman, Vice Chairman of the Finance committee would meet with the Town Clerk to draw up a draft budget for consideration by the next meeting.


  1. Future Aberystwyth Town Council accommodation needs- an update

There was a wide ranging discussion about the future provision of accommodation needs of the council.

Following a long discussion it was agreed that the chairs of committees would hold an all options discussions in order to move this matter forward.


  1. To consider Financial Requests recently received.
  1. Aberystwyth Round Table Firework display

A request for a financial contribution was received towards hosting the annual Aberystwyth Town Firework Display. Following consideration members recommended that a donation of £500 be made.


  1. Trefechan Christmas Tree

A request for assistance towards a tree and decorations in Trefechan was received.

Following discussion it was recommended that a donation of £100 be made but Aberystwyth Town Council would not insure the tree or make direct payments towards the fitting or lighting.


Minute 101

Planning applications- to consider those applications not covered in the monthly planning meeting and are time sensitive.

The two applications were referred to the next meeting of the planning committee.


Minute 102

Clerks Report- To include conference report

The Town Clerk gave an overview of his recent activities on behalf of Council and had provided a comprehensive report on the recent annual SLCC conference he had attended.







  1. White poppy ceremony

This had been arranged for Saturday 10th November at 12 noon at the Cenotaph.


  1. Youth Football event

An e mail from Dr Ian Skewis was received asking for support for the reintroduction of an annual youth football tournament in Aberystwyth.

It was agreed to send a letter of support in principle but no financial commitment would be made at this time.


  1. Christmas Lighting quote.

It was RESOLVED to accept a quotation for works to install and remove the Christmas lighting in Aberystwyth from TME electrical, Aberystwyth.


  1. University Accommodation.

A letter confirming that the university had no suitable accommodation for lease or rent was received.


  1. Day Centre visit.

Members were advised that an open day would be held on Saturday 8th December from 10am to 12.30pm


  1. Community Youth representatives.

An e mail from the Students Union asking for the Town Council to appoint two youth members to the council in line with the new powers provided by the LG (Wales) Measure 2011 was received.

It was agreed that this matter acceptable subject to the Clerk ascertaining the need for CRB checks and other safeguards being carried out first.


  1. Dispensations

It was reported that Councillor Shewring had been granted a dispensation to speak and vote on matters pertaining to the:

  • Use of CPO’s in Glyndwr Road as part of the Mill St Development.
  • Issues relating to Mill Street development
  • Issues relating to Day Centre at Park Avenue.


  1. Web site links page.

A request for a link to be made to a commercial Nutrition Resource pages was received.

Following discussion the matter was referred to the General Management meeting for action.


Minute 104

Questions relating only to matters in this Councils remit







Minute 105

To consider expenditure

It was RESOLVED to pay the following accounts in the sum of £1429.75

SLCC- Additions on reference books for office use-


Inktoner UK Ltd – Replacement toner sets x 2


Gala Lights – Outstanding from previous invoice


Donation- Fountain Inn towards Xmas display


Donation- Aberystwyth Round Table towards Fireworks





Minute 106

Verbal Reports from Ceredigion County Councillors on matters pertaining to this Council


  1. Councillor Alun Williams reported on the renewal of traffic orders and speed limits, Increase in Welsh Government financial settlement grant.
  2. Councillor Mark Strong reported on a meeting to discuss planning enforcement.
  3. Councillor Ceredig Davies reported on a “Shop Looks” enquiry and the forthcoming election for Police commissioners.


Minute 107

Written reports from representatives to outside bodies

  1. OVW Annual Conference- Councillor C Griffiths

The report was received.

The Clerk reported that he had received congratulations from the CEO of One Voice Wales who had voiced praise on such a comprehensive and well written report.


Minute 108

Motion at the request of Councillor Mererid Jones: Aberystwyth Strategy Meeting/ Conference

Councillor Jones proposed the following motion- “From speaking to voters, there is a great deal of frustration that they are unhappy with the way the Aberystwyth Regeneration Board is spending the allocated funding.  I’m not speaking here about individual developments, but wider remit in terms of how we want to see Aberystwyth develop.
In its remit of facilitating openness, I’m suggesting organising a public meeting in a similar format to that which has been held by the Health Board, so that we can listen to the strategy proposed by the Regeneration Board, but also to listen to residents views of where they see that the strategy should be”.
Following a general but brief discussion it was RESOLVED that the town council holds a public meeting in January inviting members of the Regeneration Board to attend.  Other key partners such as the University and Chamber of Commerce also to be invited with a view of producing a strategy, which will eventually, feed into Town Council and Menter Aberystwyth work.


Minute 109

Staffing matters

The Chairman reported that the annual staff appraisals were due to be carried out in the immediate future.