Full Council
29/06/2015 at 6:30 pm
Cllr Endaf Edwards
Cllr Brenda Haines
Cllr Mair Benjamin
Cllr Sue Jones Davies
Cllr Jeff Smith
Cllr J. A. Davies
Cllr Brendan Somers
Cllr Alun Williams
Cllr Ceredig Davies
Cllr Brian Davies
Cllr Steve Davies
Cllr Kevin Roy Price
Cllr Mark Strong
Cllr Mererid Jones
Cllr Wendy Morris
In attendance:
Mrs Llinos Roberts-Young
Minute 25
To receive a presentation from Carrie Canham, Curator of Aberystwyth Museum.
Following the presentation members resolved to support the proposed initiative and the question of financial assistance would be passed to the Finance & Establishments Committee for consideration.
Minute 26
Declaration of Interest on matters arising from the agenda.
Cllr Brendan Somers – Finance
Cllr Jeff Smith – Finance
Cllr Mair Benjamin – Finance
Minute 27
Personal references.
Minute 28
Mayoral Activity Report.
A report of the Mayor’s engagements since the last meeting of Full Council was circulated to members.
Minute 29
Minutes of Full Council held on Monday 26th May 2015.
Although council minutes and agendas are posted first class on the Thursday prior to full council Cllr Mark Strong raised the question of them not arriving on time.
Cllr Mererid Jones proposed that all papers be scanned and sent electronically on a Thursday. A review of sending by post would be conducted.
Minute 30
Matters arising from the minutes.
Minute 7 – Planning applications: A150106 should read Aberystwyth Town Council requests that the applicant does not use UPVC windows in a conservation area.
Minute 15 – Cllr Brendan Somers did not wish to be considered to represent council on One Voice Wales. His name would be removed from the Twinning & Partnerships list.
Minute 15 – The Young Peoples Partnership has been dissolved and should no longer be on the Twinning & Partnership list.
Cllr Mererid Jones requested that the Clerk notify the various partnerships of the changes to the membership list.
Minute 16 (d) Cllr Aled Davies questioned the request by the Carnival Committee to use the council’s license to sell alcohol and provide entertainment.
Minute 16 (h) Has Ceredigion County Council responded to this matter
Minute 16 (k) No request by Penparcau electorate for a by-election. A notice of co-option has therefore been issued.
Minute 16 (l) Since council elected to decline membership to North and Mid-Wales association of Local Councils Cllr Mair Benjamin would no longer be required to attend.
Minute 24 – Future of Pantycelyn. Prior to discussion on this item Cllr Mererid Jones declared an interest and left the meeting.
The following amendment was agreed to councils report:- Aberystwyth University Court should read “Aberystwyth University Council”.
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes of Full Council for 26th May 2015 with the foregoing amendments.
Minute 31
Minutes of a Planning Committee held on Monday 8th June 2015.
Minutes of a Planning Committee held on Monday 8th June 2015 at 6:30pm
Cllr Endaf Edwards
Cllr Jeff Smith
Cllr Mair Benjamin
Cllr Kevin Price
Cllr Brian Davies
Cllr Martin Shewring
Cllr Brendan Somers
Cllr Lucy Huws
Cllr Alun Williams
In attendance:
Cllr Wendy Morris
Cllr Ceredig Davies
Cllr Mererid Jones
Apologies: Cllr Mark Strong
- The Mayor Cllr Endaf Edwards chaired the meeting until the appointment of a new chairperson.
It was noted that Mr T. Bates would not be giving a presentation at the meeting. It was explained that the outline planning application for flats at the football club is currently on hold, and therefore the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson had deemed it prudent to delay Mr Bates’ presentation until a later date (to be confirmed). - To appoint a chair: Cllr Brian Davies proposed Cllr Jeff Smith as chair, and this was seconded by Cllr Kevin Price. Cllr Jeff Smith was appointed as chair of the Planning Committee for the 2015-2016 session and chaired the meeting thereafter.
- To appoint a vice-chair: Cllr Kevin Price proposed Cllr Lucy Huws as vice-chair, and this was seconded by Cllr Brendan Somers. Cllr Lucy Huws was appointed as vice-chair of the Planning Committee for the 2015-16 session.
- Correspondence:
A140422: 32 Terrace Road (24-hour Spar):replacement fascia signs. Approved
It was noted that Aberystwyth Town Council had raised concerns that the signs were internally illuminated and did not conform to Ceredigion County Councils Supplementary Planning Guidance on Shopfront Design in Aberystwyth. It was RESOLVED that the Chair would write to C.C.C. and to Planning Inspectorate Wales raising concerns and expressing disappointment.
A150026: 59 Maesheli, Penparcau: 2 storey extension: Approved.
A140914: 24 North Parade: change of use to 6 apartments. Approved subject to conditions including appropriate storage of refuse.
A150171: Plot 5 Felin Y Môr: Time extension: Approved.
A141022: National Library: approved
A140990: National library, listed building consent: Approved.
A150017: National Library: approved
A150106: 18 South Marine Terrace: installation of balcony: approved subject to conditions, which include installation of a bird box and inspection for signs of bats when dismantling the rear roof. - Planning Applications:
A150321: Former Tabernacle site: substitute plans to include PV planels, new satellite dish and TV aerial.
Cllr Martin Shewring declared an interest, as his company had bid for similar work.
No objection. Aberystwyth Town Council welcomes the use of photovoltaic panels
A150343: Llwyn Yr Eos School, Penparcau: New gymnasium
No objection. Aberystwyth Town Council welcomes the development as being a valuable asset to Aberystwyth.
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes as presented.
Minute 32
Minutes of a General Management Committee held on Monday 15th June 2015.
Minutes of the General Management Committee held in the Meeting Room, 11 Baker Street, Aberystwyth on Monday 15th June 2015 at 6.30 pm.
Cllr Ceredig Davies
Cllr Mair Benjamin
Cllr Sue Jones-Davies
Cllr Alun Williams
Cllr Brendan Somers
Cllr Endaf Edwards
Cllr Wendy Morris
Cllr Jeff Smith
Cllr Martin W. Shewring
Cllr Mark Strong
Cllr Steve Davies
Cllr Kevin Roy Price
Cllr Brenda Haines
Cllr Brian Davies
In attendance:
Cllr Mererid Jones
1 To appoint General Management Chairperson for Mayoral Year 2015-16
Members present voted unanimously to retain Cllr Ceredig Davies as Chairperson.
2 To appoint General Management Vice – Chairperson for Mayoral Year 2015-16
Majority of members present voted in favour of Cllr Kevin Roy Price to be Vice-Chairperson.
3 Declaration of Interest
4 Correspondence
(a) Maze:- Mid-Wales Orienteering offered to help with the maze (Events or development). Members were in agreement to support this offer.
(b) Allotments:- There was a need to write to interested parties who wished to be included on the waiting list.
(c) Road Closures:- A letter from Ann Jones of Ceredigion County Council Highways Department requesting any lessons that had been learnt following the road closures for the Mayors Parade.
(d) Plascrug Play-area:- Cllr Mark Strong noted that there are some damaged items which need to be addressed prior to the signing of the lease.
(e) Slacklining Club:- A letter requested that they wished to be part of the skateboard club.
5 Land and Potential Tree Planting on land behind 5th Avenue Penparcau.
Cllr Alun Williams stated that an offer was made for tree planting, cost and advice from Ceredigion County Council.
It was noted that grass-cutting was required regardless of tree planting and that this needs to be followed up.
It was resolved to maintain ownership of the land and to proceed immediately with the tree planting.
6 Poppies.
An application was received from the British Legion to consider sites to bring the Tower of London Poppy display to Aberystwyth. This was supported by Mr Allan Lewis of Ceredigion County Council and the National Library. October/November 2016 was a suggested period for the display.
Cllr Endaf Edwards however, read an e-mail from the National Library requesting the display during 2017.
Members requested information on the expense involved to include the responsibility of setting up the display, security and maintenance.
At this juncture both Cllrs Endaf Edwards and Mark Strong declared an interest since they were employees of the National Library.
It was then resolved to set up an exploratory joint committee to investigate the feasibility of the event in 2017 and that Cllr Wendy Morris and Cllr Ceredig Davies would represent council.
7 Christmas Decorations.
Members were provided with a list of working Christmas lights and one of lights which are not working and require attention. It was agreed to obtain quotations to repair the lights which are not functioning.
Further investigation was delegated to the Christmas Lights Committee.
8 Standing Orders.
Members were informed that a review of Standing Orders should be more gender specific and that proposals should be forwarded to the reviewing group who would be presenting their findings to full council at the end of September 2015.
9 Outstanding Issues.
(a) Bus Stop:- There was a need for a traffic analysis review costing £200 by Ceredigion County Council. It was moved that Cllr Alun Williams contacts Mr Lyndon Griffiths of Ceredigion County Council in support of the local member.
(b) Trees on Park Avenue and Boulevard St Brieuc:- Several trees have died and Ceredigion County Council is aware of this but would appreciate members notifying them of trees that have been damaged.
(c) No Swimming Signs:- Members expressed concerns that no explanation has been given as to why signs have not been erected. There was a need to write to Natural Resources Wales to complain about signage issues.
(d) IT Hardware:- IT hardware in the office requires reviewing. It was resolved to forward these concerns to the Finance & Establishments Committee.
(e) Allotment Matters:- Two (2) plot-holders are not maintaining their plots in line with their contracts and need to be advised of this situation.
Members requested that permission be obtained for nominated council members to attend the Allotment Holders AGM in June/July. Cllr Alun Williams, Cllr Ceredig Davies, Cllr Mair Benjamin and Cllr Mererid Jones were appointed to attend on behalf of council.
(i) Cllr. Mark Strong declared an interest and left the room. Members were informed that a meeting of the Allotments Holders would be held on 15 July 2015 at 7 p.m. at the Buarth Hall.
(ii) Vermin: The cost of vermin control for a 12 month period was £330 + V.A.T. Members thought this was excessive and should be addressed by Full Council.
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes as presented.
Minute 33
Minutes of a Finance and Establishment Committee held on Monday 22nd June 2015.
Meeting of the Finance and Establishment Committee of Aberystwyth Town Council on the 22nd of June 2015 at 6.30pm in 11 Baker Street, Aberystwyth.
Cllr Mererid Jones
Cllr Ceredig Davies
Cllr Brenda Haines
Cllr Brian Davies
Cllr Brendan Somers
Cllr Mark Strong
Cllr Aled Davies
Cllr Endaf Edwards
In attendance:
Cllr Kevin Roy Price
Cllr Wendy Morris
Cllr Alun Williams
Cllr Steve Davies
- Correspondence
- E-mail received from Cathryn Morgan, Ceredigion County Council offering inspections to the play areas at £68 per 5 pieces of equipment. It was noted that the Chair of Finance contact Ceredigion County Council regarding the lateness of the play area lease.
- A letter of thanks from ATC Squadron.
- Letter from Dyfed Pension Plan requesting the status of deficit contribution. The Chair of Staffing Panel to contact Kevin Gerrard to ensure arrangements are in place for new Clerk to the council to join the new scheme.
- Letter from BDO External Auditors requesting the Accounts for 2014-15 by the 26th of June 2015. It was noted that the accounts are still with the Internal Auditor at present and that this will be communicated to BDO.
- Correspondence from Cllr Mair Benjamin requesting confirmation that expenses be paid to attend the One Voice Wales conference. It was RESOLVED that both Cllr Mair Benjamin and Llinos Roberts-Young (Clerk) attend and share a vehicle.
- Penparcau Senior Citizen Club provided their annual accounts in line with Finance request. It was noted that they have £5,000 in reserves.
- A letter from the insurance company requesting renewal information prior to renewal date of 25th of June 2015. Chair of Finance will liaise with insurance company to ensure that all items are covered.
2 Accounts for April and May 2015
- It was noted that £689.37 had been paid to Mr Neville Bond personally for work undertaken on Penparcau Community Forum building. The payment was made following receipt of invoices from Travis Perkins. It was RESOLVED to agree payment.
- It was noted that no official opening of the Hermann Ethê plaque has been made. The Clerk to make arrangements for a presentation that includes Cllr Mark Strong and the Mayor (after 5pm). Notify the Cambrian News and extend an invite to members of the Morlan committee and Mike Birtwhistle should he be available to attend. (Cllr Brendan Somers to contact).
- Accounts for April and May 2015 were approved.
- IT Hardware
Matter referred from General Management Committee. Decision made to bring full costings and evaluation of benefits to next Finance meeting.
- Other matters
- Skateboard Park
It was noted that a meeting of the Skateboard Park Subcommittee will be held on the 23rd of June 2015. Cllr Mark Strong requested an update from the sub-committee as to whether there is any Japanese knotweed and Himalayan balsam on the site.
- Office furniture
A quotation from Charles Moss for the cost of moving furniture from Ynyslas has not been received to date. Committee approved to obtain further quotations.
- Bus Stop in Penparcau
It was noted that the Traffic Management Assessment will cost £270. The committee agreed to pay this sum.
- Dyfed Powys Police Investigation
It was RESOLVED to request the police again for an update on their investigation into the hard drive.
Other Matters
- It was RESOLVED that the Accounts and Annual Return for Aberystwyth Town Council as were approved.
- The Skateboard Park Partnership agenda in conjunction with Penparcau Forum was agreed. It was also agreed to re-submit the application for the Skateboard Park to the Big Lottery.
- Ceredig Davies advised members present of the Japanese Knotweed issues.
It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes as presented.
Minute 34
Planning Applications
Minute 35
It was RESOLVED that correspondence matters be included as the last item of Full Council Agendas in future.
Minute 36
Questions relating only to matters in this councils remit
Minute 37
Finance – To consider expenditure
The following Councillors declared an interest in this matter: Cllr. Mair Benjamin, Cllr. Brendan Somers and Cllr. Jeff Smith.
Dyfed Pension Scheme | 3 months x deficit | £460.65 |
Cllr. Brendan Somers | Expenses | £113.14 |
Pod Clare | Community Art | £350.00 |
Purchase Power | Rental of Franking Machine | £21.54 |
Carmarthen County Council | Wages – May 2015 | £796.74 |
Barker | Rental 25-06-15 – 29-09-15 | £4,500.00 |
Morris and Bates | Legal Costs re. Lease | £906.00 |
Vaughans Radio | Hoover Repair | £20.00 |
Ceredigion County Council | Farmer’s Market Funding | £7,000.00 |
Afan Construction | Hire of Storage:
09-05-15 – 07-08-15 |
£312.00 |
Councillor Jeff Smith | Expenses (Travel) | £6.70 |
Cllr. Mair Benjamin | Expenses (Travel) | £9.90 |
It was RESOLVED to accept the above accounts.
Mintue 38
Verbal Report from Ceredigion County Councillors on matters only pertaining to this Council.
(a) Cllr. Mark Strong reported on Ceredigion’s ban on the use of Chinese lanterns.
Cllr. Strong further indicated that a vote had been held regarding the adoption of DMO (relating to the requirement for Welsh language assessment.)
(b) Cllr. Alun Williams informed members that the Aberystwyth–Haverfordwest bus route T5 had been officially launched that week.
Cllr. Williams further reported on the opening of the new Aberystwyth Veterinary Science Centre which performs post-mortems on behalf of DefRA.
Cllr. Williams reported that the Summer entertainment Programme would be distributed to members later in the evening.
Minute 39
Written reports to Outside Bodies
In the absence of written reports Cllr Mererid Jones gave members a brief update on the Skateboard Park.
Cllr Mair Benjamin also presented a brief verbal report from Once Voice Wales
Minute 40
It was proposed to employ a person once a week for 2 hours a week to generally clean the offices and rooms.
It was RESOLVED to pass on the matter to the General Management Committee.
Minute 41
A request to erect a plaque in memory of Dr Peter Edwards by Cllr Aled Davies was supported by members.
Minute 42
A Co-option policy for Aberystwyth Town Council was proposed by Cllr Mererid Jones in the event of no by-election being called for a vacant seat. Cllr. Ceredig Davies amended the motion to include the need for each candidate to make an oral presentation of no longer than 3 minutes if they so wish; and any political affiliation should be declared.
It was RESOLVED to pass the amendment.
Minute 43
- Letter from Ceredigion County Council: Review of Licensing Policy for Public Consultation.
- Invitation from Mayor of St Brieuc to visit in September. It was RESOLVED that the Mayor or the Deputy Mayor should attend.
- The Royal British Legion – an invitation to attend a meeting on 16th July 2015 at 7.30p.m. in the Railway Club. It was RESOLVED to attend the meeting.
- Market Hall – regarding the erection of Market Hall banner. It was RESOLVED to permit the erection of a banner on condition that it be removed prior to the Christmas lights being put up.
- Penparcau Forum – Memorandum of understanding relating to Park Kronberg. Members debated the contents of the memorandum.
Notice of Casual Vacancy on Aberystwyth Town Council.
Members were notified of the vacancy which has been advertised until 16th July, 2015.
- Graduation Ceremonies – Members were informed of an invitation to Aberystwyth University’s Graduation Ceremonies between 14th-17th July 2015. Those wishing to attend should notify the office no later than the 1st
- Request from RAY Ceredigon to support a petition to sustain existing Environment Wales Management Grants. The above petition was supported by members present.
- 100th Birthday Invitation. Members were informed that the Deputy Mayor attended the 100th birthday celebration of Mrs Mary Lloyd, 25 Gerddi’r Ffynnon, Trefechan.
- Outdoor Learning Wales – a letter was received informing members of the ‘Feel the Benefit’ project at Dyfi Eco Park, Machynlleth.
- Welsh Hearts – a courtesy e-mail was received thanking Council for accepting AED’s.
- Correspondence from Ceredigion regarding 2015-16 BUDGET CONSULTATION.
- GREGG’S the Baker’s – communication requesting the proposed seating in their upcoming refits of stores.
- A letter of response from Professor April McMahon relating to Pantycelyn was presented to members.
- Tai Cantref – an invitation was extended to members to attend the Tai Cantref AGM on the 16th July 2015.
- Summer Entertainment – members were informed of correspondence between a Mr R.D. Briant and Mr James Wallace of Menter.
- GWLAD – members were notified of a periodical from Agricultural & Rural Affairs.