General Management

17/01/2022 at 7:00 pm


Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth Town Council


Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol (o bell)

General Management Committee (o bell)







1 Presennol


Cyng Kerry Ferguson (Cadeirydd)

Cyng Dylan Wilson-Lewis

Cyng Alun Williams

Cyng Talat Chaudhri

Cyng Sue Jones-Davies

Cyng Jeff Smith

Cyng Mair Benjamin

Cyng Charlie Kingsbury


Yn mynychu:

Cyng Lucy Huws

Cyng Danny Ardeshir




Cllr Kerry Ferguson (Chair)

Cllr Dylan Wilson-Lewis

Cllr Alun Williams

Cllr Talat Chaudhri

Cllr Sue Jones-Davies

Cllr Jeff Smith

Cllr Mair Benjamin

Cllr Charlie Kingsbury


In attendance:

Cllr Lucy Huws

Cllr Danny Ardeshir

2 Ymddiheuriadau


Cyng Nia Edwards-Behi

Cyng Mark Strong



Cllr Nia Edwards-Behi

Cllr Mark Strong


3 Datgan Diddordeb:


6: Y cynghorwyr Lucy Huws and Dylan Wilson-Lewis


Declaration of Interest:


6: Cllrs Lucy Huws and Dylan Wilson-Lewis

4 Cyfeiriadau personol:


Mae’r Cynghorwyr yn anfon eu dymuniadau gorau at y Cynghorydd Mark Strong a’r teulu ar yr adeg hon.

Personal references:


Councillors send their best wishes to Cllr Mark Strong and family at this time.


5 Plac i Leopold Kohr


ARGYMHELLWYD gosod plac i Leopold Kohr yn 12 Stryd y Popty a gofyn i’r Pwyllgor Cyllid gytuno ar y costau. Roedd landlord 12 Stryd y Popty wedi rhoi caniatâd a bydd y plac yn ddwyieithog.

Plaque to Leopold Kohr


It was RECOMMENDED that a plaque to Leopold Kohr be placed at 12 Baker Street and to ask the Finance Committee to agree costings. The landlord of 12 Baker Street had given permission and the plaque will be bilingual.


Agenda Cyllid

Finance agenda

6 Mynwent Cefn Llan


ARGYMHELLWYD ysgrifennu llythyr at Gyngor Sir Ceredigion a’r Aelod Cabinet perthnasol i drafod bioamrywiaeth ac opsiynau ar gyfer beddau.


Bydd y Cyng Kerry Ferguson yn ymchwilio i aelodaeth Bwrdd Mynwent Llanbadarn, i sefydlu pwy all fod yn gyfrifol am yr ardal ar hyn o brydCefn Llan i aros ar yr agenda ar gyfer y cyfarfod nesaf, er mwyn trafod y camau nesaf. Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys cysylltu â chynghorau cymuned yn yr ardal gyfagos, y gallai eu trigolion fod yn defnyddio Cefn Llan, i gael dull cydlynol.

Cefn Llan Cemetery


It was RECOMMENDED that a letter be written to Ceredigion County Council and the relevant Cabinet Member to discuss biodiversity and options for graves.


Cllr Kerry Ferguson will look into the membership of the Llanbadarn Cemetery Board, to establish who may currently be responsible for the area. Cefn Llan to remain on the agenda for next meeting, to discuss next steps. These include approaching community councils in the surrounding area, whose residents may be using Cefn Llan, for a cohesive approach.


Agenda RhC

GM agenda

7 Baw cwn ar Draeth y Dre


Nodwyd nad yw baw cŵn wedi’i gyfyngu i ardal Traeth y De, ond ei fod yn broblem arbennig i Ward Rheidol, Ward Ganolog a Ward y Gogledd.


Bydd cynghorwyr yn asesu eu wardiau ac yn cyflwyno awgrymiadau ar gyfer biniau ychwanegol i helpu gyda baw cŵn ar draws ardal y Cyngor Tref. Yr awgrymiadau hyn i’w trafod yn y cyfarfod Rheolaeth Cyffredinol nesaf gyda’r bwriad o gytuno i ofyn i Gyngor Sir Ceredigion am fwy o ddarpariaeth.


Penderfynodd cynghorwyr fod mater baw cŵn yn un anodd i’r Cyngor Tref fynd i’r afael ag ef – ar ôl rhoi cynnig ar lawer o ffyrdd yn y blynyddoedd blaenorol. Cytunwyd bod pob Cynghorydd yn gyfrifol am helpu i godi ymwybyddiaeth o’r mater, ac i ddefnyddio cyhoeddusrwydd Caru Ceredigion ar gyfer ymagwedd gydlynol ar draws y cyfryngau cymdeithasol.

Dog fouling on South Beach


It was noted that dog fouling is not restricted to South Beach area, but is a particular problem is Rheidol Ward, Central Ward and North Ward.


Councillors will assess their wards and put forward suggestions for additional bins to help with dog fouling across the Town Council area. These suggestions to be discussed at the next General Management meeting with a view to agree on asking Ceredigion County Council for an increased provision.


Councillors decided that the issue of dog fouling is a hard one for the Town Council to tackle – having tried many means in previous years. It was agreed that each Councillor is responsible for helping raise awareness of the issue, and to use Caru Ceredigion publicity for a cohesive approach across social media.



Agenda RhC

GM agenda




7 Gohebiaeth


7.1 Gŵyl Crime Cymru


Bydd yr Ŵyl yn ddigidol unwaith eto oherwydd ansicrwydd Covid-19, yn enwedig yr amrywiad Omicron newydd. Gwahoddir Gŵyl Trosedd Cymru i siarad mewn cyfarfod o’r Cyngor Llawn, i drafod yr ŵyl a chyllid i’r dyfodol.

Gwyl Crime Cymru Festival


The Festival will once again be digital due to the uncertainties of Covid-19, in particular the new Omicron varient. Request to invite Gwyl Crime Cymru Festival to talk at a Full Council meeting, to discuss the festival and future funding.


Gwahodd i gyfarfod Cyngor Llawn.

Invite to a Full Council meeting