Cyngor Llawn

22/11/2021 am 6:30 pm


Cyngor Tref     ABERYSTWYTH   Town Council



Cofnodion DRAFFT Cyfarfod o’r Cyngor Llawn (o bell)

DRAFT Minutes of the Meeting of Full Council (remote)







123 Yn bresennol:


Cyng. Alun Williams (Cadeirydd)

Cyng. Jeff Smith

Cyng. Dylan Wilson-Lewis

Cyng. Endaf Edwards

Cyng. Lucy Huws

Cyng. Mari Turner

Cyng. Danny Ardeshir

Cyng. Nia Edwards-Behi

Cyng. Kerry Ferguson

Cyng. Alex Mangold

Cyng. Steve Davies


Yn mynychu:


Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerc)




Cllr. Alun Williams (Chair)

Cllr. Jeff Smith

Cllr. Dylan Wilson-Lewis

Cllr. Endaf Edwards

Cllr. Lucy Huws

Cllr. Mari Turner

Cllr. Danny Ardeshir

Cllr. Nia Edwards-Behi

Cllr. Kerry Ferguson

Cllr. Alex Mangold

Cllr. Steve Davies


In attendance:


Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerk)


124 Ymddiheuriadau:


Cyng. Talat Chaudhri

Cyng. Mair Benjamin

Cyng. Charlie Kingsbury

Cyng. Mark Strong

Cyng. Sue Jones-Davies

Cyng. Claudine Young




Cllr. Talat Chaudhri

Cllr. Mair Benjamin

Cllr. Charlie Kingsbury

Cllr. Mark Strong

Cllr. Sue Jones-Davies

Cllr. Claudine Young




125 Datgan diddordeb:


129: Mynwent Cefnllan – y Cynghorwyr Lucy Huws a Dylan Wilson-Lewis


139: Ceisiadau cynllunio –  y Cynghorwyr Alex Mangold, Mari Turner a Nia Edwards-Behi fel gweithwyr y Brifysgol

Declaration of interest:


129: Cefnllan cemetery – Cllrs Lucy Huws and Dylan Wilson-Lewis


139: Planning applications – Cllrs Alex Mangold, Mari Turner and Nia Edwards-Behi as employees of the University





126 Cyfeiriadau personol:



Personal references




127 Adroddiad ar Weithgareddau’r Maer


Darparodd y Maer adroddiad llafar ar ei bresenoldeb yn y digwyddiadau canlynol:


  • Cyfarfodydd Dinas Llenyddiaeth Aberystwyth
  • Osian Lewis yn galw yn Aberystwyth ar ei daith i’r Senedd yng Nghaerdydd i gefnogi ymgyrch Nid yw Cymru ar Werth
  • Seremoni Sul y Cofio – gosod torchau pabi coch a gwyn wrth gofeb rhyfel y dref ac ym Mhenparcau
  • Canu ger y goeden Heddwch yn Sgwâr y Frenhines ar Sul y Cofio
  • Agor Ffair mis Tachwedd
  • Digwyddiad yn Tesco i dderbyn rhoddion bwyd ar gyfer banciau bwyd lleol
Mayoral Activity Report


The Mayor provided a verbal report on his attendance at the following events:


  • Aberystwyth City of Literature meetings
  • Osian Lewis’ Aberystwyth stop on his journey to the Senedd in Caerdydd in support of the Wales is Not for Sale campaign
  • Remembrance Sunday ceremony – laying red and white poppy wreaths at the town war memorial and at Penparcau
  • Singing at the Peace tree in Queen’s Square on Remembrance Sunday
  • Opening of the November Fair
  • Event at Tesco to receive food donations for local food banks


128 Cofnodion o Gyfarfod y Cyngor Llawn a gynhaliwyd nos Lun, 25 Hydref 2021 i gadarnhau cywirdeb

PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r cofnodion


Minutes of the Meeting of Full Council held on Monday, 25 October 2021 to confirm accuracy


It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes


129 Materion yn codi o’r cofnodion

119: Mynwent Cefnllan: Cyhoeddodd y Cynghorydd Lucy Huws fuddiant a thynnodd ei henw yn ôl o’r cynnig. Cyhoeddodd y Cynghorydd Dylan Wilson-Lewis ddiddordeb hefyd. Cynigiodd y Cynghorydd Mari Turner ac eiliodd y Cynghorydd Kerry Ferguson y cynnig a dderbyniodd gefnogaeth unfrydol unwaith eto gan gynghorwyr. Byddai llythyr yn cael ei anfon at Gyngor Ceredigion.

Matters arising from the minutes

119: Cefnllan cemetery: Cllr Lucy Huws declared an interest and withdrew her name from the motion. Cllr Dylan Wilson-Lewis also declared an interest.  Cllr Mari Turner proposed and Cllr Kerry Ferguson seconded the motion which again received unanimous support from councillors. A letter would be sent to Ceredigion Council.

Anfon llythyr

Send letter

130 Cofnodion o’r Pwyllgor Cynllunio a gynhaliwyd ar nos Lun 1 Tachwedd 2021

PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r cofnodion gydag un cywiriad – nid oedd y Cynghorydd Nia Edwards-Behi wedi mynychu’r cyfarfod.

Minutes of the Planning Committee held on Monday 1 November 2021

It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes with one correction – Cllr Nia Edwards-Behi had not attended the meeting.


131 Materion yn codi o’r cofnodion


Matters arising from the minutes


132 Cofnodion o’r Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol a gynhaliwyd ar nos Lun 8 November 2021

PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r cofnodion a’r  argymhellion.

Minutes of the General Management Committee held on Monday 8 November 2021

It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes and the recommendations.


133 Materion sy’n codi o’r cofnodion


Matters arising from the minutes


134 Cofnodion o Gyfarfod  y Pwyllgor Cyllid a Sefydliadau a gynhaliwyd nos Lun 15 Tachwedd 2021 i gadarnhau cywirdeb

PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r cofnodion a’r argymhellion.

Minutes of the Finance and Establishments Committee meeting held Monday 15 November 2021 to confirm accuracy


It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes and the recommendations.


135 Materion yn codi o’r cofnodion:



Matters arising from the minutes:





136 Ystyried cyllideb ddrafft a phraesept 2022-23


PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r gyllideb o £500,507.00 ar gyfer 2022-23

To consider draft budget and precept 2022-23


It was RESOLVED to approve the budget of £500,507.00 for 2022-23


137 Ystyried cyfrifon Mis Hydref


PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r cyfrifon.


Consider October accounts


It was RESOLVED to approve the accounts.




138 Ystyried gwariant Mis Tachwedd


PENDERFYNWYD cymeradwyo’r gwariant.


Consider November expenditure


It was RESOLVED to approve the expenditure.



139 Ystyried ceisiadau cynllunio


To consider planning applications
139.1 A210923: 61 Bridge St.


Mae’r Cyngor eisoes wedi nodi nad oes ganddo wrthwynebiad i siop tecawê mewn egwyddor ond mae ganddo bryderon difrifol ynghylch materion traffig ffyrdd a diogelwch cerddwyr oherwydd y tebygolrwydd y bydd pobl yn ymgynnull ar y palmant cul. Mae’r marciau ffordd hefyd wedi newid sy’n gwneud y gyffordd hyd yn oed yn fwy peryglus. Hoffai’r Cyngor gael mwy o wybodaeth am y tecawê.

A210923: 61 Bridge St.


The Council has already noted that it has no objection to a takeaway in principle but it does have serious concerns regarding road traffic issues and pedestrian safety due to the likelihood of people gathering on the narrow pavement.  The changed road markings make the junction even more dangerous.  The Council would like more information about the takeaway.


139.2 A210949: 13 Dan y Coed


DIM GWRTHWYNEBIAD. Dylid llongyfarch yr ymgeisydd ar y to gwyrdd ac ar ymestyn i fyny yn hytrach na chynyddu maint y llawr.

A210949: 13 Dan y Coed


NO OBJECTION.  The applicant should be congratulated on the green roof and extending upwards as opposed to increasing the footprint.


139.3 A210952-4: Siambrau’r Orsaf




Cyhoeddodd y Cynghorwyr Alex Mangold, Mari Turner a Nia Edwards-Behi ddiddordeb

A210952-4: Station Chambers




Cllrs Alex Mangold, Mari Turner and Nia Edwards-Behi declared an interest.


139.4 A210981: Ystafell arddangos nwy


DIM GWRTHWYNEBIAD. Mae’r Cyngor yn croesawu defnyddio adeilad hyfryd ond hoffai gael mwy o eglurder ar storio gwastraff am nad yw wedi’i nodi yn y cais


A210981: Gas showroom


NO OBJECTION. The Council welcomes the use of a lovely building but would like more clarity on waste storage which is not specified in the application.


140 Cwestiynau sy’n ymwneud â materion tu fewn cylch gorchwyl y Cyngor hwn YN UNIG



Questions relating ONLY to matters in this Council’s remit






141 Adroddiadau AR LAFAR gan Gynghorwyr Cyngor Sir Ceredigion ar faterion sydd yn ymwneud â’r cyngor hwn YN UNIG


VERBAL reports from Ceredigion County Councillors on matters ONLY pertaining to this Council



142 Adroddiadau YSGRIFENEDIG gan gynrychiolwyr ar gyrff allanol


WRITTEN Reports from representatives on outside bodies




143 Gohebiaeth Correspondence


122.1 Fforwm Mynediad Lleol Ceredigion: gwahodd aelodau fforwm newydd. Byddai’r e-bost yn cael ei gylchredeg Ceredigion Local Access Forum: inviting new forum members.  The email would be circulated.




122.2 Llythyr agored NALC / Un Llais Cymru / SLCC: nodyn atgoffa i gyllidebu ar gyfer costau aelodaeth ac ar gyfer hyfforddiant i glercod a chynghorwyr NALC/OVW/SLCC open letter: a reminder to budget for membership costs and for training for clerks and councillors


122.3 Llwybrau beicio Penparcau: Y Cyngor i roi ei gefnogaeth i’r alwad am lwybrau gwell ym Mhenparcau Penparcau cycle routes: Council to lend its support to the call for improved routes in Penparcau


144 Panel staffio: adroddiad ar argymhellion (eitem caeedig)


Cymeradwywyd y gyllideb staffio uwch o dan eitem agenda 136. PENDERFYNWYD y byddai’r gyllideb ychwanegol yn cyflogi Swyddog Digwyddiadau a Phartneriaethau i fod yn gyfrifol am ddigwyddiadau dinesig, gefeillio ac i drefnu rhaglen o ddigwyddiadau tref i gefnogi adfywio’r dref.

Staffing Panel: report and recommendations (closed item)


The increased staffing budget had been approved under agenda item 136.  It was RESOLVED that the additional budget would employ an Events and Partnerships Officer to be responsible for civic events, twinning and to organise a programme of town events to support the regeneration of the town.


              Cyngor Tref   ABERYSTWYTH   Town Council


11 Stryd y Popty / Baker Street


SY23 2BJ


01970 624761

                                       Maer Aberystwyth Mayor: Y Cyng. / Cllr. Alun Williams




Annwyl Gynghorydd / Dear Councillor


Fe’ch gelwir i fynychu Cyfarfod o’r CYNGOR LLAWN, i’w gynnal o bell ar Nos Lun, 22 Tachwedd 2021 am 6.30pm


You are summoned to attend a Meeting of FULL COUNCIL to be held remotely on Monday 22 November 2021 at 6.30pm






123 Presennol


124 Ymddiheuriadau


125 Datgan Diddordeb ar faterion sy’n codi o’r Agenda


Declaration of Interest on Matters arising from the Agenda
126 Cyfeiriadau Personol Personal References
127 Adroddiad ar Weithgareddau’r Maer


Mayoral Activity Report
128 Cofnodion o Gyfarfod y Cyngor Llawn a gynhaliwyd nos Lun, 25 Hydref 2021 i gadarnhau cywirdeb


Minutes of the Meeting of Full Council held on Monday, 25 October 2021 to confirm accuracy
129 Materion sy’n codi o’r cofnodion


Matters arising from the minutes
130 Cofnodion o’r Pwyllgor Cynllunio a gynhaliwyd ar nos Lun 1 Tachwedd 2021


Minutes of the Planning Committee held on Monday 1 November 2021


131 Materion sy’n codi o’r cofnodion


Matters arising from the minutes
132 Cofnodion o’r Pwyllgor Rheolaeth Cyffredinol a gynhaliwyd ar nos Lun 8 Tachwedd 2021


Minutes of the General Management Committee held on Monday 8 November 2021


133 Materion sy’n codi o’r cofnodion


Matters arising from the minutes
134 Cofnodion o’r Pwyllgor Cyllid a Sefydliadau a gynhaliwyd ar nos Lun, 15 Tachwedd 2021


Minutes of the Finance & Establishments Committee held on Monday, 15 November 2021
135 Materion sy’n codi o’r cofnodion


Matters arising from the minutes
136 Ystyried cyllideb ddrafft a phraesept 2022-23 To consider draft budget and precept 2022-23


137 Ystyried cyfrifon Mis Hydref To consider October accounts


138 Ystyried gwariant Mis Tachwedd


To consider November expenditure
139 Ystyried ceisiadau cynllunio To consider planning applications


140 Cwestiynau sy’n ymwneud â materion tu fewn cylch gorchwyl y Cyngor hwn YN UNIG


Questions relating ONLY to matters in this Council’s remit
141 Adroddiadau AR LAFAR gan Gynghorwyr Cyngor Sir Ceredigion ar faterion sydd yn ymwneud â’r cyngor hwn YN UNIG


VERBAL reports from Ceredigion County Councillors on matters ONLY pertaining to this Council
142 Adroddiadau YSGRIFENEDIG gan gynrychiolwyr ar gyrff allanol


WRITTEN Reports from representatives on outside bodies
143 Gohebiaeth


144 Panel staffio: adroddiad ac argymhellion (eitem caeëdig)


Staffing Panel: report and recommendations (Closed item)




Gweneira Raw-Rees

Clerc Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth / Aberystwyth Town Council Clerk